Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

reaction. Why not get all the town’s traders to watch the lm? Sue ožered her gallery as a venue and so the Modbury campaign began. Of the town’s 43 traders, 37 turned up and a er the lm I told them the facts and gures about marine plastic. I told them how bits of plastic act like sponges for many of the nasty chemicals we have been pouring into the oceans. ese chemicals move up the food chain and end up in us. Many of these chemicals cause cancer. When I had nished, the room was silent. Everyone looked shocked. Simon, our local butcher, whispered to me to take a vote on the proposed bag ban. Every hand went up. 75 80 85 90 95 I’m thrilled with the campaign, but walking on my local beaches provides a nasty reality check. ere is throwaway plastic still littering the sand. Water covers seven-tenths of the Earth. e oceans are the lungs of the world, providing far more oxygen than all the rainforests. We are polluting them at a terrifying rate and politicians are doing practically nothing about it. It takes nature 300 million years to form oil. We use much of the plastic made from that oil for just a few moments before throwing it away. It then takes another 400 to 1,000 years for that plastic to degrade. Is that not madness? What a waste of our planet. (Rebecca Hosking, The Mail on Sunday ; abridged) Working with the text a) Explain the title of the text. b) Look at the structure of the text and write down a topic sentence for each paragraph. c) How does Rebecca Hosking appeal to her readers? Give examples. Listening: A campaign speech a) You are going to listen to a campaign speech. First you will have 45 seconds to study the task below, then you will hear the recording twice. While listening, complete the sentences (1–6) using a maximum of four words. Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. 0 Plastic is dangerous … . for our planet ✔ 1 Plastic is a material which we use … . 2 If we go on like this, we will use up our natural resources … . 3 We get rid of plastic easily but we … of the consequences. 4 Only a small percentage of plastic … . 5 Sea animals eat litter and … . 6 The first step to change things would be to stop … . b) Analyse this campaign speech about plastic. • How does the speaker try to get peoples’ attention right away? • What is the structure of the speech? • What can you say about the speaker’s style and voice? 3 Word bank to describe one’s own emotions • to choose emotive words and phrases • to describe a sad/shocking scene • to use contrast/ repetition • to add stress • to speak directly to • to ask a rhetorical question W 4 1.5 39 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv