Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

G Grammar Tableof contents G 1 Adjectivesandadverbs p.154 G2 Tenses p.155 G 3 Non-finite verb forms p.157 G4 Modalauxiliaries p.160 G5 Thepassive voice p.160 G6 Directand indirect speech p.161 G7 Relative clauses p.162 G8 Conditional sentences p.163 G9 Sentenceswithadverbial clauses p.164 G 10 Linking sentencepartswithgerundsand participles p.164 Adjectivesandadverbs a)Usingadjectivesandadverbs Adjectives and adverbs canmake textsmore interesting,more informative andmore lively. Adjectiveoradverb? Undoubtedly, Romeoand Juliet is thebest knownof Shakespeare’splays. It starts verydramaticallywitha fiercefightbetween some servantsof thegreatest families inVerona, theCapuletsand theMontagues, whoaredeadlyenemies. Later,Romeo,aMontague,meets Juliet, thebeautiful daughterof theCapulets,ataball.They fall in love immediately. In themost famous scene in theplay, Romeowaitsunder Juliet’sbalconyand theyarrange a secretmarriage.Theyareextremelyhappy.But this happiness isnot to last. • Adjectives describewhat someoneor something is like. ey canbeused attributively (afierce fight) or predicatively (Theyare…happy.) • Adverbs describe theway somethinghappensor wasdone. (They fall in love immediately.) ey canmodifyverbs (It starts…dramatically.) , adjectives (extremelyhappy) orother adverbs (verydramatically) . • Adverbs like undoubtedly , obviously , of course , etc. can commenton awhole sentence: Undoubtedly, Romeoand Juliet is… . a)Regular comparativeand superlative forms Adjectives: big,bigger,biggest Adverbs: fast, faster, fastest expensive,moreexpensive,mostexpensive clearly,more clearly,most clearly b)Irregular comparativeand superlative forms good/well:better –best many:more –most bad/badly:worse –worst much:more–most little: less – least Adjectivesafter certain verbs SomeEnglishverbs showwhat somethingor someone is like.Use an adjective aer tobe , to seem , to feel , to stay , tobecome and to get and aer to look , to sound , to smell and to taste . Be, seem, feel, stay Rhonawasa little shyatfirst.Everything seemed so strange toher.But soon she feltbetter.And she stayed calmwhen theyall started speakingPunjabi. Become,get Somebandshavebecome famous inManchester. I’mgetting tiredof this kindofmusic, though. Look, sound, smell, taste TheAsian food looked interesting.Someof thenames soundedunusual,but it smelledgoodand tastedgreat. G1 154 Grammar V Vocabulary Words inblue: Thesewords/phrasesare themost importantones, the core vocabulary. You should learn themfirst. Words inblack: Thesewords/phrasesareadditional vocabulary,whichwill furtherhelp you to improve your language skills. Growingup employment !Im*plCImEnt? Employmentdecreasedby 39,000 last year. Beschäftigung ageof consent !eIdZ Ef kEn*sent? Theageof consent in theUK is 16. Ehemündigkeitsalter criminal responsibility Ministershave raised theageof criminal responsibility. Strafmündigkeit courtdecision !kC"tdI*sIZn? You canappeala courtdecisiononlyonce. Gerichtsurteil under certain conditions This lawdoesnotapplyunder certain conditions. unterbestimmtenUmständen 1 lackofmaturity Iworry thatDavid’s lackofmaturity couldbeharmful. mangelndeReife to take to court He isoneof the lastpeople theywant to take to court. klagen (vorGericht) 3 appropriate !E*prEUprIEt? Everybody shoulddressappropriately for theoccasion. angemessen age limit There isnoage limit –all citizensare invited toapply. Altersgrenze Friendship 1 proverb !*prOv3"b? Aproverb isa short saying statingageneral truth. Sprichwort hedge !hedZ? Weareofferinghedgesandhedgeplants inall sizes. Hecke 2 loyalty !*lCIEltI? Earn loyaltypointsbyplaying thisgameonline. Loyalität,Treue controversial issue !+kOntrE*v3"Sl *ISju"? Ameetingwillbeheld todiscuss the controversial issue. umstrittenesThema toentrust Whowouldentrust theirmoney toan investment fund? anvertrauen juicy secret The juicy secret togetting yourex-boyfriendback pikantesGeheimnis component !kEm*pEUnEnt? Thebroken componentneeds replacing. Bestandteil,Komponente tokeep sth. tooneself He saidhehadkept it tohimself for ten years. etw. für sichbehalten toache !eIk? When Iwasaboy, Iached tobea scientist. hier: sichnachetw. sehnen to spill thenews MsKnowles,have you spilled thenews to your client? Neuigkeiten verraten wordgetsback to sb. However,wordgotback toherbossand shewasfired. jmd.bekommt vonetw.Wind to sting A swarmof killerbees stungamushroom-picker todeath. stechen ego !*i"GEU? It requiresabigego to run forpresident. Ego,Persönlichkeit commitment Firefighters show commitment to thedisabled. Einsatz,Engagement tobringout sth. Our fungamesguarantee tobringout the kid in you. etw.erwecken to repay !ri"*peI? Hehas 28days to repay theamountor faceprison. zurückzahlen reminder Despite several reminders,our invoice remainedunpaid. Mahnung 3 tohangoutwith sb. Wehungoutwithmydadwatching football. mit jmdm.Zeit verbringen 4 curfew !*k3"fju"? TheCouncilwillestablish juvenile curfewson 31October. Ausgangssperre,Sperrstunde tobecomedefensive ShebecamedefensiveafterweaskedheraboutBrian. sichangegriffen fühlen Slam 1 tobe supposed todo sth. She is supposed to setanexample for the contestants. etw. tun sollen straightafter Binsmustbeemptied straightafterChristmas sofortnach topanic I felta twingeand Iguess Ipanickedabit. inPanik verfallen guts Hedidn’thave theguts to speakup. hier: Bauchgefühl,Mut to lockoneself in Gina lockedherself in thebathroom for threehours. sicheinschließen toflush the loo Wehad toflush the loowith savedwashing-upwater. Toilettenspülungbetätigen tobeep Quick, check yourphone! Itbeeped rightafter you left. piepsen lap Igrewuponmygranddad’s lapwatching footballgames. Schoß toget chokedup Igot chokedup; itwas suchanhonour tobe there! mitdenTränen kämpfen to reckon Mywife reckonswe should startplaying the lottery soon. glauben,meinen cloth !klOT? You canwipe theballwithawet cloth to clean it. Tuch 2 todread sth. I reallydreadparticipating in reality shows. etw. fürchten to face the truth Hehad to face theawful truth that shedidn’t lovehim. derWahrheit insAuge sehen toput foras longas possible Firingpeople is suchanunpleasantexperience thatmost managerswillput itoff foras longaspossible. etw. so langewiemöglich aufschieben mature Idon’t know ifwearematureenough formajor success. reif to take responsibility for one’sactions Learning to take responsibility forone’sactions isan important partofgrowingup. Verantwortung für seineHand- lungenübernehmen Unit 1 166 Vocabulary Der Abschnitt Grammar stellt die in der Unit behandelten Strukturen ausführlich dar, die darauf abgestimmten Erläuterungen unterstützen bei der Entwicklung von grammatischer Kompetenz. Das unitbegleitende Vocabulary listet den Wortschatz in der Reihenfolge seines Vorkommens auf. Die farbliche Kennzeichnung von Kern- und Erweiterungswort- schatz hilft bei der Orientierung. Discussing the content a) Howwerepeople from theCaribbean treated inBritain in theearly years? b) Whatwere themainproblems immigrants from theCaribbeanhad to face? c) Howdid theCaribbean community respond to theirnew surroundings? d) What informationdoes the textgiveabout the influencepeopleof Caribbeanoriginhavehadon London? Writing:A summary   WG 1 Study the sectionabout summaries in thewritingguideonpage 162.Thenwritea summaryof the textabout Caribbean London.Follow these steps: a) Read the textandwritedownamaximumoffivewords foreachparagraph.Use thesenoteswhen you actuallywrite your summary. b) Find themain ideaof the textandwrite itat thebeginningof your summary.What is the textabout? c) Writeaparagraphabouteachaspectof the text.Keep it shortand leaveoutanything that isnot really necessary. d) Make sure that your text sounds likea factual text.Thismeans that you shouldonlywriteabout facts. Textanalysis:Anarticle This text isanarticle.Findoutwhat the characteristicsof sucha textare. You canuse thewordbankon the right.Thinkabout: • the lengthand complexityof the sentences • the formsand structuresused • the choiceof vocabulary • the functionof the text WatchingaTVnews report:TheNottingHillCarnival Watch the shortnews reportand collect informationon the followingaspects: a) Atmosphere:Watch the shortnews reportand saywhatadjectives you coulduse todescribe theatmosphereat the carnival,basedonwhat you see in thepictures. b) Detailsof the clip: • Whatanniversarydid thisparticular carnivalmark? • What informationwasgiven innumbers? • Is the carnival stillaspopularas itwaswhen itfirst started in 1964?Howdo you know? c) Discussion: Judging fromwhat youhave seenandheardabout the carnival,do you feel it isanexampleof multi-ethnicBritainbeinga success story –ornot?Give your reasons. 2 Wordbank historicalbackground • shocked anddisappointed • second-class citizen • racial/verbalabuse • lowwages • to rent • fear • prejudice • todiscriminate against • self-helporganisations • to takeaction W 3 4 Wordbank formal/informal language • focus on facts • generaldescriptions • short/complex sentences • to inform • to instruct • togive facts • todescribe • toexplain • togiveanoverviewabout • toentertain • toappeal W 5 1 23 W Writing guide A summary   Page23 A summary isa shortened versionofa text thathighlights its keypoints.Theprimarypurposeofa summary is togiveanaccurate,objective representationofwhat theoriginal text says. Checklist:Summary • The summary is shorter than the source. • It repeats the ideasof the source indifferentphrasesand sentences. • Include importantdatabut leaveoutminorpoints. • Donot include yourown ideas.Youare simply repeatingwhat the source text says,using fewerwords. • There isno conclusion toa summary. Examplequestion Summarise the text “Marathon kids:Too young to run?” (Unit 1,page 19). 1 Twoweeks agoNicholasBurke completedhis second marathon in justunder three and ahalfhours. ere’s nothing sensational about this story– except that Nicholas isonly17.Nicholas is among a smallbut growingnumberof teenagers reported tobe completingmarathons and21-kilometrehalf marathons at important races alloverCanada. eir participationhighlightsoneof themost controversial questions in the runningworld:Howyoung is too young to run42.2kilometres?Many adults are worried about theseyoung competitors, fearing that some arebeing forced todangerous extremesby over-ambitiousparents.Marathons can cause permanent injury togrowingbodies, some sports doctors say,whowarn that the road racemaybe the newest sports arenawhere children’sbodies arebeing pushed toohard.On theotherhand, somany organisations areworried aboutoverweightkids and their sedentary lifestyleof computers,TV and cars that runningprogrammes for theyoung arenow promoted atmarathon events alloverNorthAmerica – and they arebecomingverypopular. Onedoctors’organisation seesnothingwrong in letting children runmarathons, as long as they train properly.Butdoes ithave tobe the full42.2-kilometre marathon? “Yes,”Nicholas says.He caught the marathonbug at10,whenhe saw athletesonTV runningover theŽnish line at theNewYork Marathon.By12,hewas running twokilometres a night a‘erdinner.At15,he completedhisŽrst 5-kilometre competitive race.Notbeing able toŽnd a running coach in the smallCanadianvillagewherehe lives,Nicholas followed a6-monthmarathon-training programmeonline. “Mydoctorgaveme thegreen light, too,”he said, “somymumquitworrying about myhealth.”Nicholas’sgoal is toqualify for the race thatŽrst inspiredhim: theNewYorkMarathon. By the timehehas toqualify inMay,Nicholaswillbe 18 and thus able tomeetNewYork’s age requirement. “When I run, Iget this fantastic feeling,”he says. “ at it’smyown time and everything, just forme. Andnobody can stopme.” Exampleanswer 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Anew trend that isbecomingmore andmorepopular for teenagers is takingpart inmarathons and 21-kilometrehalfmarathons.However,whetheror not this isharmful to ayoungbody is currentlybeing discussed in themedicalworld.On theonehand, too much sportobviously canhavenegative e—ectson bodies that arenotyet fullygrown,manydoctors warn.Moreover, there is thedangerofparents forcing their children toperformwell.On theotherhand, however,healthorganisations are increasingly worried aboutoverweightkids. 17-year-oldCanadianNicholasBurke started runningwhenhewas ten andhas already run two full marathons,oneof them inunder three and ahalf hours.Hisnext aim is to takepart in theNewYork Marathon, andhe iswaiting impatientlybecause there is an age limitof18. (141words) 5 10 15 162 Writingguide Der Writing guide stellt die auf dem jeweiligen GERS-Niveau relevanten Textsorten modellhaft dar. Die Beispieltexte werden durch Useful language und Useful tips ergänzt. Seitenverweise zurück auf die Units stellen den Kontext sicher und erleichtern das Arbeiten. Verweis auf die CD Ihres Lehrers/Ihrer Lehrerin 1.1 Verweis auf die CD in diesem Buch 1 Verweis auf die DVD in diesem Buch 2 Verweis auf eine Übung, für die ein Internet- zugang benötigt wird Verweis auf einen Online-Code e6vn4r Kennzeichnung einer Übung im Format der Standardisierten Reifeprüfung oder anderer standardisierter Prüfungen Abkürzungen und Zeichen adj. adjective SAE South African English coll. colloquial sb. somebody etw. etwas sth. something jmdm. jemandem jmdn. jemanden pl. Plural  ist das Gegenteil von  ist verwandt mit = entspricht Symbole W Writing guide A blog   Page 15 A blog (from weblog, a compound of “web” and “logbook entries (= blog posts) are published on a regular basis. B culture, politics, social topics, education, cooking, travelli participate in discussions by commenting on earlier entr Checklist: Blog • Include a title when you write a blog post. Use clear p • Keep yourself up to date about what is going on in th • Include facts, figures and opinions of others. • Use informal, semi-for al or formal language to addr • The tone can be melancholic, humoristic, sarcastic, et text. Useful tips Form A blog is a very open and flexible me subjective views. Topics Be prepared to write about topics su education/parents, different generati cooking, environment, sports, first ex false facts, etc. Title Give your blog post an appropriate tit Layout and structure When writing a blog post make sure t publishing date and give it a title ref and also pay attention to structure (i When writing a blog comment, pay a answering to. If necessary, include fa of view. Paragraphs Use paragraphs for each idea. Cohesi Cohesion deals with sentence unity Language The language of your text should be i purpose and your audience. In inform readers personally and to make them Tone The tone (humoristic, sarcastic, etc.) While writing keep in mind Who is the target audience? What is t experience or create community? a) A blog post Example question It is often said that travel broadens the mind, but should 1 Writing guide   Page 23   WG 1 3 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv