Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

Speaking: Madhur Jaffrey a) Use all the notes below and speak about the Indian-born food writer Madhur Jaffrey. Remember that appropriate linking words will make your text sound more fluent. b) Research Madhur Jaffrey’s biography on the internet and compare the information with your own presentation. • Madhur Jaffrey – in India (b. 1933) • came to Britain at the age of 19 – wanted to study drama • in Britain learned to cook Indian food • having arrived in London – missed her favourite dishes from home • had sometimes watched her mother – never cooked herself before • wrote home for recipes • left drama school in 1957 – became an actress • in her free time – cooked for friends – had never tasted such delicious food • made her write an Indian cookery book • people not familiar with “real” Indian food – kept book simple – huge success • more books and also television programmes • more and more people – to cook her dishes themselves • the choice of Indian ingredients sold in shops – direct result of TV programmes How to cook curry The following recipe is a basic curry dish, which lends itself to variation. Try out your own version and enjoy your first go at Indian cooking. 4 5 Meat or vegetable curry Chicken is the best meat for curry. If beef or lamb or pork is needed, add more curry powder. The best vegetables for curry are potatoes, carrots, peas, green beans and cauliflower (which should be added last). Dried beans are also very good for curry but need to be soaked overnight. Ingredients: • 1 pound of meat/vegetables • 2 large onions or 4 small onions • 3 to 4 cloves of garlic • Oil • (Tomato purée optional) • 1 dessertspoon full of curry powder • Salt and pepper Process: • Cut meat/vegetables into small cubes and keep aside. • Chop the onions and the garlic very fine and fry in oil until golden brown. • Add the meat/vegetables and continue to fry for a while. • Add the curry powder and a cup of water and cook on low flame until cooked (vegetables ½ hour, meat 45 min to 1 hour). • If the sauce gets thick add water gradually. Fact file Curry • The word curry comes from the Tamil word “kari” (hence the English pronuncia- tion) and describes a large variety of dishes, coming from various countries in Asia. The original meaning of the word was “sauce” or “gravy”. • Curry powder, which is often used to season these dishes, is a mixture of a variety of spices, among them ground turmeric, coriander, cumin, fenugreek, mustard, chilli, black pepper, salt and others. • In many countries curries are eaten as side-dishes accompanying a main course. F 27 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum es Verlags öbv