Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

Presenting information about ethnic minorities Collecting further information: Caribbeans in London a) Watch the video clip on Caribbeans in the UK and take notes. b) Explain in a short statement what the video is about. c) Watch the video again and tick the words from the list if you see or hear them. clean exciting fashionable huge marvellous ornate over-the-top posh special spotless tiny very small d) Describe the following in detail and use the words from above: • the function of the “front room” in a West Indian home • childhood memories – good or bad? • the atmosphere of a typical front room as seen in this clip Structuring your information about a topic Design a large mind map around the idea of “Caribbeans in Britain” showing as many aspects of the topic as possible: general information, different minority groups, positive influence, problems, etc. Speaking: Discussing a topic What can help people from ethnic minorities to feel that they are accepted as equal citizens by the majority? a) Discuss this question in groups of no more than three and write down three things you think are important. b) Then get together with another group and compare your ideas. c) Make a poster and present your ideas in class. Writing: An article on education and ethnic background   WG 2 Your local paper has decided to run a special issue on ethnic backgrounds and education. As a junior journalist you have been asked to write an article about this issue using the diagram below. National level 2012/13 National level 2008/09 Percentage of pupils 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Chinese Indian Irish Mixed background Bangladeshi White British Black African Any other ethnic group Any other black Pakistani Black Caribbean 2008/09 2012/13 Percentage of pupils achieving five or more GCSEs by ethnic group In your article you should: • comment on recent developments as shown in the diagram • explain the effects of education on the lives of young people from various backgrounds • suggest measures to further improve the situation Give your article a title . Write around 200 words . 1 2 2 3 4 25 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv