Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

Fact file Multi-ethnic Britain • Most ethnic minority British citizens originally came from countries belonging to the Commonwealth, a group of former British colonies. Black people mainly arrived from the Caribbean while the large majority of Asians were immigrants from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. • Afro-Caribbean people are from former slave families from Africa, many of whom were transported to the Caribbean by British ships and sold to British plantation owners until Britain stopped the slave trade there in 1807. • Until the middle of the 20 th century the British population was mainly white. After 1945 the mass immigration of Blacks (from the Caribbean) and Asians was started by the need for more workers in the British economy. • In the beginning Empire and Commonwealth citizens had the right to enter Britain because they carried a British passport. By the 1970s new and stricter rules were introduced to control immigration. • Most immigrants arriving in the UK now come from countries in Eastern Europe . • The fastest-growing ethnic group in the UK today is mixed race . F 97.41% 97.99% 98.20% 99.25% 95.50% 97.71% 90.91% 94.64% 89.39% 93.70% 83.02% 88.74% 96.48% 97.88% 96.17% 97.70% 90.35% 93.49% 91.92% 95.12% 91.69% 95.10% 64.24% 71.07% White share of population 2020 White share of population 2001 Population predictions Proportion of ethnic minorities over 50% Town Date 2019 2024 Leicester Birmingham Town Date 2030 2030 Luton Slough UK National Statistics Online Total population: 60 million Ethnic origin % % White 92.0 Mixed 1.2 Asian 4.0 Indian 1.8 Pakistani 1.3 Bangladeshi 0.5 Other Asian 0.4 Black 2.0 Black Caribbean 1.0 Black African 0.8 Black Other 0.2 Chinese 0.4 Other 0.4 21 Goals • Analyse text structures (article, essay). • Discuss social issues. • Present statistical information. • Summarise texts. • Develop a fluent writing style. • Structure paragraphs and texts. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv