Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

airscreen She was too far away so she could not see the airscreen. Bildschirm to mismatch He’s always wearing mismatching pieces of clothing. nicht zusammenpassen to inhabit The huge house was inhabited by just one large family. bewohnen to pound Her heart pounded when she first saw her little puppy. hämmern, klopfen (Herz) to dread She really dreaded this situation. fürchten to spot We could not spot him in the crowd. sehen, ausmachen wrinkled His wrinkled face made him look quite old. faltig veined !veInd? His veined skin made him look scary. geädert discoloured I recognised him because of his discoloured teeth. verfärbt to berate !bI*reIt? He berated his teenage son for being late. schelten, beschimpfen claw !klC"? The eagle had a mouse in its claws. Klaue to erase All the graffiti had to be erased from the desks. löschen sagging His sagging cheeks did not look healthy. herabhängend insane When he heard the horrible news he went insane. wahnsinnig volume Shakespeare’s works in ten volumes hier: Buch, Band to plonk She plonked the books on the table and left. hinschmeißen grotesque !GrEU*tesk? His face was grotesquely disfigured. grotesk weird !wIEd? With his red eyes he looked rather weird. eigenartig, bizarr overmuscled Their overmuscled bodies were looking strange, even frightening. mit einem Übermaß an Muskeln versehen deformity Their deformities seemed to be their pride. Missbildung, Deformation to pose They were posing as models. posieren hideous !*hIdIEs? It looked like suicide, but it had been a hideous crime. abscheulich, widerlich stringy !*strINI? His stringy hair needs washing, don’t you think so? strähnig fatty I wouldn’t call him a fatty, even though he is overweight. Dickerchen formfitting Her formfitting underwear had a huge effect. figurbetont lacy !*leIsI? A lacy T-shirt was all she got for her birthday. Spitzen- to thrust out You could see her ribs thrusting out of her side. hervorstehen pelvic bone Her jeans were cut so low, you could see her pelvic bones. Beckenknochen to bare Grandpa bared his chest to show his scar from the war. entblößen cheekbone One of his cheekbones was broken; otherwise he was OK. Wangenknochen skull The archaeologist found a skull and a ring in the grave. Schädel visible The mountain top was barely visible because of the fog. sichtbar to flash into one’s mind It flashed into her mind that she hadn’t locked the door. wie ein Geistesblitz aufblitzen to be ashamed I was so ashamed when I got caught for speeding. sich schämen to wind up They are going to wind up as an odd couple. enden to pig out Mike pigs out and eats far too much whenever he is sad. sich (mit Essen) vollstopfen to shiver The cold temperatures made us shiver. zittern to finger He fingered his chin and felt the scar. mit dem Finger berühren pendant !*pendEnt? The pendant had the form of a star. Anhänger 2 protagonist !prEU*txGEnIst? The protagonist was a man in his forties. Hauptfigur, Protagonist/in 3 to locate !lEU*keIt? I could not locate where the sound was coming from. orten puzzled He looked rather puzzled when he heard her answer. erstaunt 5 increase in Last year saw an increase in one-parent households. Steigerung von surgical procedure !*s3"dZIkl prE*si"dZE? A surgical procedure always involves a health risk. Operationsvorgang hyaluronic acid !+haIElu"*rOnIk *xsId? Hyaluronic acid is used in many skin-care products. Hyaluronsäure microdermabrasion !*maIkrEU+d3"mE*breIZEn? Microdermabrasion is a method for facial rejuvenation. Peeling liposuction !*lIpEU+s0kSEn? Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes fat from the human body. Fettabsaugung breast augmentation !brest +C"Gmen*teISn? Breast augmentation is a very popular form of plastic surgery. Brustvergrößerung eyelid surgery Eyelid surgery is very popular among Asian teenagers. Operation am Augenlid tummy tuck (coll.) A so-called tummy tuck is an operation that can be dangerous or even life-threatening. Bauchdeckenstraffung reconstructive plastic surgery Reconstructive plastic surgery is a great relief for many victims of accidents. Wiederherstellungschirurgie to resort to I’d never resort to plastic surgery to improve my looks. zurückgreifen auf Reading skills: Survey, question, recite and review 3 Neolithic !+ni"EU*lITIk? A Neolithic monument was found just outside the town. jungsteinzeitlich prison inmates Fifty prison inmates tried to escape together. Gefängnisinsass/innen 205 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv