Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

V to be hooked on sth. My mother is hooked on online gaming. hier: süchtig nach etw. sein Extreme sports 1 white-water kayaking Last year I tried white-water kayaking for the first time. Wildwasserpaddeln elastic cord Only a minority of people chose to jump from great heights attached to an elastic cord. elastisches Seil rapids !*rxpIds? There aren’t many rapids in the Danube. Stromschnellen obstacle !*ObstEkl? That’s the obstacle we need to overcome. Hindernis rebound The rebound force can result in a variety of injuries. Abprall, Rückprall body harness Users must wear a full body harness for their safety. Gurtzeug open terrain !*EUpEn te*reIn? Next time we’ll go outside and explore open terrain. offenes Feld track The last part has to be done on a steep and narrow track. Spur, Kurs anchor Divers untangled the ship’s twisted anchor chains. Anker off-road Off-road racing requires a high level of fitness. im Gelände summit Explorers have died trying to reach the K2’s summit. Gipfel stroke It enforces stroke rhythm and acceleration of the boat. (Ruder-)Schlag waterway Dog rescued from icy Ohio waterway Wasserstraße to paddle They paddled their hearts out in high waters. paddeln downhill We offer courses in downhill skiing and in snowboarding. bergab course This course is quite difficult and for good skiiers only. Strecke knee/elbow/shoulder pads Besides their uniform, they sport knee, elbow and shoulder pads. Knie-, Ellbogen-, Schulterschützer 3 pom-pom We waved to the figure skaters waving white pom-poms. hier: Tanzwedel to flip He gets surprised reactions whenever he flips. einen Salto machen to somersault The vehicle somersaulted several times before landing upside down. einen Purzelbaum schlagen to catapult one another into the air They gracefully catapulted one another into the air. einander gegenseitig in die Luft katapultieren to rival The British film industry used to rival Hollywood. konkurrieren mit sideline He’s past the injuries that have kept him on the sideline. Seitenlinie (eines Spielfeldes) cheerleading squad The new cheerleading squad will make their debut. Cheerleadingtruppe fundraising The fundraising night at the club will be on Friday. hier: Spendensammlung 4 severe injury He’s willing to go out there and risk severe injury. schwere Verletzung to be engaged in sth. The helicopter was engaged in delivering workers to a drilling site. sich mit etw. beschäftigen undertaking It’s an enormous undertaking. Unternehmung to match one’s skills against Every year he matched his skills against the world’s top skippers. seine eigenen Fähigkeiten messen mit fully-fledged She became a fully fledged star after her 2014 debut. ausgereift, vollwertig quadriplegia !+kwOdrI*pli"dZE? The patient had symptoms of quadriplegia. Querschnittlähmung, die alle vier Gliedmaßen betrifft cushioned mat !*kUSnd mxt? A play mat is a cushioned mat made of soft materials. gepolsterte Matte bubble wrap Fragile ornaments should be covered in bubble wrap. Luftpolsterfolie daredevil stunt Daredevil stunt rider to sell his motorcycles waghalsiges Kunststück to steer sb. away from sth. Her upbringing steered her away from drug abuse. jmdn. von etw. abbringen to be determined She was determined to avoid putting her children through a similar experience. entschlossen sein 5 parachutist In 1799, Ms Labrosse became the first female parachutist. Fallschirmspringer/in subsequent A subsequent investigation led to her arrest. nachfolgend Doping 1 to let the genie out of the bottle If you let the genie out of the bottle, you allow something bad to happen which then cannot be stopped. den Geist aus der Flasche lassen shortcut We took a shortcut instead of using the nearby bridge. Abkürzung physician Readers should consult their physician for treatment. Arzt, Ärztin to apply medical therapies Medical therapies are applied after a medical problem has already started. medizinische Therapien anwenden performance-enhancing therapy The patients did not undergo any performance enhancing therapy. leistungssteigernde Therapie transgene A transgene is a gene that has been transferred from one organism to another. fremdes Gen, das in einen Organismus eingeschleust wird oxygen Mars has hardly any oxygen in its atmosphere. Sauerstoff to detect More oil has been detected in the North Sea. aufspüren evidence suggests Evidence suggests that slow weight loss leads to better results than rapid progress. Beweismittel deuten darauf hin synthetically produced All our raw materials are synthetically produced. künstlich hergestellt to be injected The girl claimed she was injected with heroin in her sleep. injiziert werden 202 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv