Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD
3 VAT !+vi"eI*ti"? How much VAT do you have to pay in the US? Mehrwertsteuer 5 invoice Please send the invoice back to us. Rechnung accounts department He works in the accounts department. Buchhaltungsabteilung Working life 1 minutes Who is writing the minutes today? Protokoll 2 private purposes School computers must not be used for private purposes. Privatzwecke 3 to schedule a meeting The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 15 th . eine Besprechung vereinbaren für, ansetzen to postpone a meeting Our boss was late, so the meeting had to be postponed. verschieben 4 connectives However , but , etc. are connectives. Bindewörter monotonous His voice is monotonous. monoton to address the audience You should address the audience directly and not talk to yourself. das Publikum ansprechen to involve sb. Involve people from the audience! jmdn. miteinbeziehen Jobless 1 roller coaster A new roller coaster opened last week at the fun fair. Hochschaubahn job prospects (pl.) Job prospects for school leavers are getting worse. Beschäftigungschancen 2 to turn sb./sth. down My application was turned down within 48 hours. jdn./etw. ablehnen The World of Google 1 corporate culture Their corporate culture is a disaster. Firmenkultur 2 to enhance You should enhance your training schemes further. verbessern, verstärken core value The core values of our company are summarised in that folder. Grundwert hierarchy !*haIErA"kI? There’s no hierarchy among us students, I guess. Hierarchie, Rangordnung collaborative environment Our aim is to create a rich collaborative environment. gemeinschaftliches Umfeld integrity !In*teGrEtI? One’s personal integrity should never be violated. Integrität, Unversehrtheit to make sth. accessible The university has made its library more accessible. etw. zugänglich machen to be related to sth. This problem is closely related to one we already had. mit etw. in Zusammenhang stehen to hire sb. This company hires around 20 new employees a year. jmdn. einstellen trait His character traits are very positive. Eigenschaft, Charakterzug flexible Today workers have to be flexible and adaptable. flexibel adaptable His team is highly adaptable. anpassungsfähig to determine It’s not easy to determine the causes. bestimmen academics (pl.) Academics are much more important to him than sports. hier: Universitätskurse credentials (pl.) Her credentials are extraordinary. Referenzen, Zeugnisse theoretical This is just a theoretical question. theoretisch obviously !*ObvIEslI? Obviously something went wrong. offensichtlich annual We have an annual family meeting. jährlich stock options Some companies offer stock options to their employees. Aktienoptionen to increase salaries to increase salaries to decrease salaries Gehälter erhöhen perk perk = benefit, advantage Vorteil headquarters The UN headquarters is/are in New York. (Firmen-)Hauptsitz work-life balance We all want to achieve a better work-life balance. Vereinbarkeit von Arbeit und Privatleben paternity leave More men take the chance to go on paternity leave now. Vaterschaftsurlaub spouse !spaUs? The president will visit China with his spouse. Ehepartner/in to reimburse !+ri"Im*b3"s? We reimburse you £90 if you buy that TV. rückerstatten hybrid car Hybrid cars are becoming more popular. Hybridauto shuttle service The hotel has a shuttle service. Zubringerdienst commuter In the morning the trains are always full of commuters. Pendler/in wage The minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. Lohn white-collar worker White-collar workers have office jobs. Büroangestellte/r blue-collar worker He used to be a blue-collar worker, but now he works at an office. Arbeiter/in career development What’s your career development plan? Karriereentwicklung skills training Language skills training includes listening, writing, etc. Kompetenztraining available on call Our staff is available on call. auf Abruf zur Verfügung stehen linguistic skills We are looking for a communicative person with highly developed linguistic skills. sprachliche Fähigkeiten assessment procedure !E*sesmEnt prE*si"dZE? The new assessment procedures will be explained soon. Beurteilungsverfahren social skills His social skills are excellent. soziale Fähigkeiten 3 reputation !repjU*teISn? This company has a bad reputation. Ruf 197 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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