Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

township Townships are residential areas for non-whites. Township game reserve You can book guided tours around the game reserve. Wildschutzgebiet wildlife Pollution has an impact on wildlife. hier: Tiere in der freien Wildbahn to be infected with He was infected with the malaria virus on his last trip. mit ... infiziert sein influential Her influential friends helped her get the job. einflussreich What to see and do 1 to originate Where do we originate from? abstammen von 2 destination Our destination this year is Ireland. Reiseziel reptile !*reptaIl? Caimans are reptiles. Reptil amphibian The numbers of amphibians are declining. Amphibie walking safari A walking safari can be arranged if you like. Fuß-Safari hiking trail Hiking trails lead you through the area. Wanderweg to be unspoilt The scenery is unspoilt and idyllic. unverdorben, unverbaut to be unrivalled in The car is unrivalled in its speed. einzigartig in Bezug auf flagship The spaceship was a flagship of Soviet technology. Aushängeschild, Flaggschiff evident This is not directly evident. klar ersichtlich to preserve Let’s do our best to preserve this park for our kids. erhalten, bewahren natural asset Gas, oil, etc. are natural assets. natürliche Ressource unfenced Large dogs shouldn’t be kept unfenced. ohne Zaun free range The chickens have free range, so they can roam freely. freier Bereich to depart from The flight departs from Vienna. aufbrechen von, starten riverbed The riverbed was washed out. Flussbett communal toilet We had to share a communal toilet. Gemeinschaftstoilette encounter The encounter with the lions impressed everyone. Begegnung lodge When I travel I prefer hotels to lodges. I think they’re more comfortable. Hütte, Lodge convertible My dad got a red convertible when he retired. He said it was something he had always wanted. Cabrio (Auto) to be assured of sth. You can be assured of a wonderful holiday. sich einer Sache sicher sein sheer You could see the sheer enjoyment on his face when he got into his new car. pur, voll prehistoric site There are a lot of prehistoric sites to be visited in Ireland. prähistorische Sehenswürdigkeit 3 to plunge Plunge into Vienna’s music scene! eintauchen bustling New York’s bustling city centre never sleeps. geschäftig, belebt laundry Your laundry is done at the hotel. Wäsche dorm Each dorm has four beds and a bathroom. Schlafsaal room en-suite !ru"m +R"n*swi"t? All rooms are en-suite. Zimmer mit Bad und WC deposit You will need to pay a deposit. Anzahlung, Kaution licensed restaurant In some US states it’s almost impossible to find licensed restaurants because selling alcohol is prohibited. Restaurant, in dem Alkohol ausgeschenkt werden darf on-site On-site parking is available. vor Ort chalet !*SxleI? The view from the chalet is great. Landhaus, Chalet self-catering Self-catering is allowed here. Selbstverpflegung self-contained You can rent a self-contained cottage in the country. eigenständig wheelchair access Most of the rooms have full wheelchair access. rollstuhlgerecht secluded The area was completely secluded. I liked that a lot. abgeschieden ample There is ample room for activities. reichlich, genügend Language skills: Talking about the future and possibilities 2 ivory They sell carved wood and small ivory figures. Elfenbein Apartheid 1 peaceful resistance Peaceful resistance is a form of non-violent opposition. friedlicher Widerstand to go underground As a political activist he was forced to go underground. untertauchen to be compelled to The minister was compelled to step down. gezwungen werden failure to do so Failure to do so may lead to massive problems. das Nichteinhalten/-erfüllen trial !*traIEl? The murder trial was in the papers for days. Prozess, Gerichtsverhandlung jail sentence !dZeIl *sentEns? Finally, the murderer received a lifelong jail sentence. Gefängnisstrafe bearer A passport needs to contain the signature of its bearer. Inhaber/in annual poll tax annual poll tax = every adult in the community pays this tax Kopfsteuer a tax levied on !E txks *levId On? An income tax is a tax levied on the income of individuals or businesses. eine Steuer erhoben auf to extend to The restrictions also extended to really private matters. erweitern/ausweiten auf to prohibit from They are prohibited from acting in the play. verbieten, untersagen 193 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv