Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

V to loathe !lEUD? My mum liked him as much as my father loathed him. nicht ausstehen können uniformity The court decisions are very much lacking in uniformity. Einheitlichkeit synonymous The colour pink has become synonymous with breast cancer. gleichbedeutend mit to insist that The coach insists that they are still building the team. bestehen auf allegation !+xlI*GeISn? I am stunned by the allegation. unerwiesene Behauptung recipient !rI*sIpIEnt? Recipients must prove they need government aid. Empfänger/in to repackage The company repackaged its popular Sun Chips in a biodegradable bag. etw. erneut verpacken to retransmit Ivi’s service retransmits original broadcast streams online. etw. neu übertragen simplistically He explained the relativity theory, but very simplistically. vereinfachend essential to Vitamin D is essential to the modern indoor lifestyle. besonders wichtig für advantageous for !+xdvEn*teIdZEs fE? It is particularly advantageous for higher-rate taxpayers. vorteilhaft für cartoon captions I’d love to win the New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest. Cartoon-Bildunterschrift complexion Police described the man as having a dark complexion. Gesichtsfarbe heterogeneity !+hetErEUdZI*ni"EtI? Heterogeneity is a central characteristic of most cancers. Verschiedenartigkeit appeal Historians restored the cultural appeal of the island. hier: Reiz diverse Their team reflects the diverse make-up of US society. verschiedenartig crude Women were routinely subjected to crude jokes. hier: ungehobelt, grob intrusive The background music in the restaurant was intrusive. aufdringlich to embrace They willingly embraced the new guidelines. hier: annehmen artistically compelling Which of these pictures is most artistically compelling? künstlerisch fesselnd replica !*replIkE? Galeón Andalucía is a replica of a 17 th century vessel. Kopie, Nachbildung dependence on We will lower our dependence on foreign oil. Abhängigkeit von line of reasoning There are problems with this line of reasoning. Argumentationslinie Check-out 2 communication device Cyberbullying can occur through any communication device. Kommunikationsgerät 3 to expand to Google Street View expands to Antarctica sich ausdehnen to stay in touch with He still stays in touch with his ex-teammates. mit jmdm. in Kontakt bleiben to become unified They came together as one and became unified. vereinigt werden 4 apparent Pelham Police are investigating an apparent suicide. augenscheinlich insurance company Insurance company encourages caution on the road for deer season Versicherungsgesellschaft restrictions on Johnson County places new restrictions on trash Einschränkungen auf fatal crash Three victims of fatal crash near Madison identified tödlicher Unfall to reduce They’re closing their shop so they have reduced the prices. reduzieren the cost of insurance Congress was trying to lower the cost of insurance. Versicherungskosten significant Alamos Gold is expecting a significant production boost. bedeutend, beträchtlich South Africa landmark The Matterhorn is Switzerland’s most famous landmark. Wahrzeichen stopover point The hotel is a convenient stopover point for business travellers. Zwischenstopp spice route spice route = the route from Europe to Asia Gewürzstraße trader trader  to trade with Händler/in legislative !*ledZIslEtIv? We demand a tax reform in the current legislative period. gesetzgebend, Gesetzgebungs- administrative capital Pretoria is the administrative capital of South Africa. Verwaltungssitz judicial !dZu"dISl? You should have confidence in your judicial system. gerichtlich, Gerichts- to be host to I want to be a good host to you. Gastgeber/in für ... sein well-suited to This area is well-suited to storing natural gas. gut geeignet für endurance sports !In*djUErEns spC"ts? Endurance sports lead to stress reduction. Ausdauersport manufacturing sector Globalisation led to grave changes in the manufacturing sector. Produktionssektor, Industrie constitutional democracy The USA is a constitutional democracy. konstitutionelle Demokratie currency Many countries have adopted the Euro as their currency. Währung racial separation Another term for racial separation is racial segregation. Rassentrennung to plague !pleIG? I’ve been plagued by nightmares recently. plagen to oppress For centuries, whites oppressed the black majority in South Africa. unterdrücken 1 a variety of Western supermarkets offer a large variety of products. eine Vielfalt von/an Apartheid Apartheid in South Africa ended in 1994. Apartheid, Rassentrennung Boers Boers are the descendants of Dutch-speaking farmers in South Africa. die Buren Afrikaans The Boer language is called Afrikaans. Afrikaans (= Sprache) Unit 6 192 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigen um des Verlags öbv