Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

feasible The company will conduct a study to find out if the City Centre project is feasible. machbar dominion A dominion is an overseas province of the British Crown. selbst regiertes Gebiet zu Zeiten des Commonwealth to aspire Several of France’s African colonies aspired to join the Commonwealth. hier: streben nach legacy !*leGEsI? John Lennon at 70: His pop culture legacy Vermächtnis to lessen New drugs can lessen symptoms such as memory loss. vermindern, verringern the urge to The youngster felt the urge to take up Tae Kwon Do. der Drang nach contagious disease !kEn*teIdZEs dI*zi"z? Some contagious diseases may be passed on through pet dogs. ansteckende Krankheit to perceive Changing how a person perceives others is the most effective intervention against loneliness. erkennen, begreifen securement Skin securement has always been the final step in surgical procedures. Schutz, Absicherung native population The Spanish conquest resulted in a rapid reduction of the native population. eingeborene Bevölkerung Language skills: Adjectives and adverbs 3 to back Beckham backs decision to drop Rooney hier: etw. unterstützen the latter The latter accuses the former of mismanagement. der/die/das Letztere lease We hold an option to extend the lease for ten more years. Verpachtung to grant Christine O’Donnell granted an interview to CNN. bewilligen, gewähren subject of He’s been the subject of multiple documentaries. Gegenstand von 5 definitely I could definitely write an eighth and then a ninth book. auf jeden Fall, zweifellos gradually Bulgaria is gradually pulling out of the crisis. nach und nach lately Have you raided your piggy bank lately? in letzter Zeit obviously We are obviously pleased to have won by such a margin. offensichtlich particularly In our society, teachers play a particularly important role. insbesondere, besonders to disprove It was extremely difficult to disprove her alibi. etw. widerlegen International outsourcing on site Our fire station had just one fire engine on site last night. vor Ort 1 external provider Using an external provider might be out of the question. externer Provider to rationalise The tax system should be rationalised and be made more user-friendly. (Unternehmen) effizienter gestalten cultural affinity It has a strong cultural affinity with many clients in the region. kulturelle Wesensverwandtschaft, Nähe offshore Offshore outsourcing is growing by 20%–25% per year. Auslands- after-sales customer service We know our after-sales customer service is second to none. Kundenservice nach Kaufabschluss to acknowledge The university acknowledges that mistakes were made. anerkennen lack of Gwyneth Paltrow criticised the lack of quality acting roles offered to women. Mangel an core activity/business Game drives are the core activity of every safari camp. Kerngeschäft to delegate He had delegated his powers to the parliament. Aufgabe übertragen courtesy call !*k3"tIsI kC"l? We regularly make courtesy calls to thank our customers for their business. Anruf zur Steigerung der Kund/ innenzufriedenheit 2 talent pool We are building up a talent pool of suitable candidates. Talentepool deep application integration deep application integration = bringing together functions of different computer programmes Zusammenführen von IT-Anwendungen domain specific knowledge Clients now expect functional expertise and domain specific knowledge. Fachwissen auf einem bestimmten Arbeitsgebiet platform work Google’s Android OS has been the focus of new platform work. Erstellen einer Softwareplattform implementation Schoolwide implementation of a new curriculum will take place in 2017. Durchführung, Ausführung, Umsetzung intent The intent of Facebook Groups is to enhance privacy. Absicht, Zweck 3 security issue It has become a national security issue. Sicherheitsfrage job opportunity Many websites specialise in offering job opportunities. Stellenangebot The Americanisation of the world? in turn She, in turn, said that she was only collecting her clothes. hier: wiederum to shape Towards 2020: Shaping tomorrow’s tourism formen to please It’s very difficult to select a date that pleases everyone. jmdn. zufrieden stellen melting pot The restaurant is a melting pot of cuisines. Schmelztiegel 1 supplies Health officials say flu vaccine supplies are sufficient. Vorräte 2 uncomfortable with Mark feels uncomfortable with his own decision. unbehaglich mit to capture The gorillas were captured on film. einfangen, erfassen 191 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv