Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

V to evade paying taxes Thousands of millionaires are doing what they can do to evade paying taxes. das Zahlen von Steuern vermeiden 3 questionable A grand jury is examining questionable bank deals. fragwürdig to spearhead a campaign Pharmacists to spearhead campaign on anti-malaria policy an der Spitze einer Kampagne stehen rape The 17-year-old was charged with second-degree rape. Vergewaltigung 4 cuddly There is a big, cuddly toy lion in his bedroom. kuschelig Globalisation to argue against Producers in other countries had argued against giving protected status to Dutch cheese. gegen etw. argumentieren 1 outsourcing Outsourcing is actually a logical outcome of globalisation. Arbeit an externe Dienstleister/- innen vergeben stocks US stocks ended with mixed outcomes on Thursday. Wertpapiere migration !maI*GreISn? The author stressed how migration has benefited Canada. Völkerwanderung, Migration competition Competition is healthy. Wettbewerb inequality Health inequality between the rich and poor is huge. Ungleichheit recession Budget cuts may lead to another recession. Konjunkturrückgang to unify What unifies the students is participating in campus life. vereinen refugee !+refjU*dZi"? Residents step up campaign against refugees Flüchtling a steady flow of The future of general aviation depends on a steady flow of new pilots. ein stetiger Zustrom von clash Man shoots himself after clash with officer Konflikt 2 in favour of Just one person voted in favour of the elected mayor. zugunsten von Globalisation: Not new at all ... phenomenon He talked about the phenomenon of social networking. Erscheinung, Phänomen scholar Scholar discovers overlooked Rembrandt in Dutch gallery Gelehrte/r 1 joint ownership Two of the world’s largest sports franchises will come under joint ownership. Miteigentümerschaft, Mitbesitz to issue shares of stock !*ISju" SeEz Ef stOk? Banks have to raise money by issuing shares of stock. Wertpapiere ausgeben sustained economy The Clinton years provided the best sustained economy in American history. nachhaltige Wirtschaft conquest The Norman conquest of southern Italy spanned most of the eleventh century. Eroberung transmission of Transmission of both BBC news and CNN television channels was interrupted. Ausstrahlung von epidemic disease Hunger and epidemic diseases ravaged the survivors. Seuche, Epidemie the plague She avoids plastics like the plague. Pest spice Buy authentic Indian food and Indian spices here! Gewürz timber Turnover from timber exports estimated at $2.43 billion Bauholz widespread Coyote problem widespread in Calcasieu Parish weit verbreitet ecology Seagrasses play an important role in the ecology of coastal waters. Wechselbeziehung zwischen Organismen und Umwelt, Ökologie 3 territory The British used to rule over an amazingly large territory. Gebiet hence I am unemployed and hence also very poor. folglich, deshalb diverse Over 70 scientists from diverse countries will take part. mannigfaltig to secure The soldiers secured the passage through the town. sichern, schützen significant There is a significant danger of wildfires. bedeutsam to scramble for sth. The driver scrambled for an explanation, apologising repeatedly. hier: sich verzweifelt bemühen um consent Users can be added to groups by their Facebook friends without their consent. Einverständnis curiosity Today was the perfect day to satisfy my curiosity. Neugier longing Her longing to be loved ruled her life. Sehnsucht to bring about The spread of the disease was brought about by infected mosquitoes. bewirken, verursachen to be guided by The game should be guided by the principles of fairness. geleitet werden von subject peoples Colonies were inhabited by subject peoples. Untertanen-Völker to eliminate The losing teams were eliminated from the tournament. eliminieren, beseitigen cannibalism There were widespread allegations that his cult also practised cannibalism. Verzehren von Artgenossen, Kannibalismus twain (archaic) You have your opinions and I have mine, and never the twain shall meet. die Zwei to endure How many women have endured rape, and kept quiet? ertragen, erdulden to decline India’s tea export declines 21.4% in August hier: abnehmen, sinken um Unit 5 190 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv