Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

suffrage !*s0frIdZ? The president is elected through universal suffrage. Wahlrecht arson Chiappini is charged with arson and assault. Brandstiftung to play a major role Dieting plays a major role in the American lifestyle. eine große Rolle spielen volunteering Volunteering in your spare time looks great on your CV. ehrenamtliche Arbeit recreation Outdoor recreation has become increasingly popular. Erholung, Entspannung 1 unjustifiable !0n*dZ0stIfaIEbl? Police used unjustifiable brutality against protesters. nicht zu rechtfertigen charitable body World Vision is a registered charitable body. karitative Organisation biased !*baIEst? Many Americans may believe the media are biased. befangen Bob Geldof’s Live Aid 1 drought !draUt? The drought in Alabama increased the threat of fires. Dürre financial support Financial support for local projects has been cut by 25%. finanzielle Unterstützung to initiate New measures were initiated to help the poor. initiieren subsidy !*s0bsIdI? Subsidies for companies will be capped next year. öffentliche Subvention political lobby The poor don’t have an active political lobby to fight for their interests. politische Interessensgruppe, Lobby 2 to commemorate The Post Office recently commemorated the Queen’s birthday. ehrend gedenken recollection The victim had no recollection of the attack. Erinnerung famine !*fxmIn? Her main purpose now is to fight famine and poverty. Hungersnot footage The service delivers real-time CCTV footage of shop floors. Filmmaterial fundraising Tina has asked me to help out at her fundraising event. Spendensammlung to grow crops His descendants grew crops and raised chickens. Feldfrüchte anbauen hoe Every summer, you could find Nell with a hoe in her hand. Hacke to be scarred Her second marriage was scarred by emotional abuse. Narben davontragen to drip off They were so thin, the skin was dripping off their bones. hier: herabhängen trustee !+tr0s*ti"? She could not act as trustee of her own charity. Treuhänder/in Daily dilemmas 1 cashier David Reid threatened the cashier at a licensed grocer. Kassier/in to be caught in a dilemma He is caught in a dilemma whether to tell his friend or keep it a secret. sich in einer Zwickmühle befinden to have/develop a sense of right and wrong Children seem to develop a sense of right and wrong within a few years of birth. ein Gefühl für Richtig und Falsch haben/entwickeln honesty The thief’s honesty saved him from jail. Ehrlichkeit dishonest A dishonest teen stole a £75 cheque from a pensioner. unehrlich 2 unemployable Don’t assume that people with disabilities are unemployable. arbeitsunfähig, nicht einstellbar substance abuser The defendant was a chronic substance abuser. Drogenkonsument/in 3 to be accosted I don’t know a single woman who wants to be accosted. angepöbelt werden psychotic Psychotic people often don’t get the right treatment. seelisch krank, psychotisch drug addict A drug addict robbed his own granny. Drogenabhängige/r Make-a-Difference-Day Awards 1 to be targeted at The product was targeted at those over 40. gerichtet sein an homeless shelter Plans for a homeless shelter are dividing the community. Schlafstelle für Obdachlose shift Health authorities are forcing nurses to work extra shifts. hier: Arbeitsschicht 2 siblings As children we never fought like most siblings do. Geschwister art therapy Art therapy is an integral part of our work at the clinic. Kunsttherapie paediatric patient St Louis Children’s Hospital is a world leader in paediatric patient care. Patient/innen im Kindesalter chemo treatment After my second chemo treatment, I lost all of my hair. Chemotherapie sophomore Before going back for my sophomore year, I decided to change my major to arts. Student/in im zweiten Jahr frat brother Being a sorority sister or a frat brother does not come cheap. Mitglied einer Studentenver- einigung maintenance job Over the summer, I did maintenance jobs on campus. Instandhaltungsarbeiten plaster Cohen often paints over a canvas with plaster. Gips paintbrush Bristle paintbrushes are made from various animal hairs. Pinsel Check-out 1 likelihood Stress increases the likelihood of having an accident. Wahrscheinlichkeit remarkable It has been a remarkable run. bemerkenswert considerable A considerable amount of money was stolen this evening. beträchtlich occupier The occupier put out the blaze before the firefighters arrived. Bewohner/in gamble Is Ireland’s gamble paying off? hier: Wagnis, Risiko 2 to make ends meet My mum worked part-time and so we made ends meet. mit seinem Geld auskommen 189 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv