Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

V 3 to rearrange When he saw the guests for the first time, he decided to rearrange the seating order. umstellen, neu anordnen 5 prediction The predictions for next year are not very encouraging. Vorhersage Check-out 2 supplier Our supplier went bankrupt, so we had to find a new one. Lieferant/in air-freighted food The price of air-freighted food should be raised so that it becomes really expensive. per Luftfracht angelieferte Lebensmittel to be trucked from Snow was trucked from the mountains to the city stadium for the first race of the season. per LKW transportiert werden by contrast By contrast, they used wood instead of concrete. im Gegensatz dazu importer The importer has to pay import duty on all goods. Importeur/in founder !*faUndE? The founder of the club was also its first chairperson. Gründer/in consultation !+kOnsEl*teISn? After their consultations they told him about the result. Beratung to maintain They tried hard to maintain the standards at their school. beibehalten status quo !+steItEs *kwEU? If the status quo is changed a civil war might break out. gegenwärtiger Zustand faraway Flying to a faraway city increases your carbon footprint. fern credibility After he had lied several times, he lost all his credibility. Glaubhaftigkeit to tackle To tackle this problem you have to find partners first. angehen, in Angriff nehmen sustainable !sE*steInEbl? Sustainable growth is what companies hope for. nachhaltig pertinent !*p3"tInEnt? His reaction was not pertinent, especially not for a father. angemessen to tighten When the guidelines were tightened, the oldest company in town went out of business. enger ziehen, (Regeln) verschärfen poultry farm !*pEUltrI fA"m? Their poultry farm provides 15% of the Christmas turkeys. Geflügelfarm licensee !+laIsEn*si"? All licensees had to sign the same contract. Lizenznehmer/in to retain When he lost his job, he could not retain his social status. beibehalten integrity This was an attack against the chairman’s integrity. Unberührtheit, Integrität aviation In aviation hundreds of people were made redundant. Luftfahrt self-imposed ban !+selfIm*pEUzd bxn? With a self-imposed ban on smoking the number of people dying of lung cancer could be reduced. selbst auferlegtes Verbot to take priority His ailing health took priority over her wish to travel. Vorrang haben trailblazer !*treIl+bleIzE? His study meant he was known as the trailblazer in his field of research. Bahnbrecher/in to raise standards Raising educational standards requires more teachers. die Standards erhöhen to offset flights To offset the flights new environmentally relevant strategies had to be introduced. (den Effekt von) Flüge(n) ausgleichen 3 school board The school board decided to send a letter to the mayor. Schulverwaltungsrat conventionalised format There is no conventionalised format for such a letter. You can write it in any way you like. durch Konvention festgelegtes Format routine factual information Routine factual information is fairly easy to understand. alltägliche Sachinformation to state reasons If you refuse to help, you have to state your reasons. Gründe nennen 4 hypothetical !+haIpEU*TetIkl? My hypothetical question has no effect on the situation. auf einer Annahme beruhend methane !*mi"TeIn? Methane is a colourless gas. Methan to appeal to Dancing really appealed to the girls at this age. jmdm. gefallen, jmdn. ansprechen to assume It was assumed that they had left before the police came. annehmen, vermuten Making a difference antibiotic My doctor put me on antibiotics. Antibiotikum to donate (money to) Local businesses have donated money to the fund as well. Geld spenden an foundation The West Bay Community Foundation held its first fundraiser. hier: Stiftung healthcare Worker obesity costs more than healthcare can afford. medizinische Fürsorge to raise money Teens raise money for national pet cancer organisations. Geld sammeln poverty The Census Bureau reported that the poverty rate was up. Armut to rebel against sb./sth. They rebel against the rules in their own distinct ways. sich gegen jmdn./etw. erheben unjust The union called for change within the unjust system. ungerecht disobedience !+dIsE*bi"djEns? I am not saying disobedience is OK. Ungehorsam adulthood The Centre will target patients from infancy to adulthood. Erwachsenenalter pneumonia !nju"*mEUnjE? How often should I get a pneumonia shot? Lungenentzündung diphtheria !dIf*TIErIE? Students must now get a tetanus and diphtheria booster. Diphtherie scarlet fever A delay in diagnosing scarlet fever can lead to death. Scharlach to contract an illness In Rwanda I contracted an illness that was dangerous. eine Krankheit bekommen to have access to Germany’s police authorities have not had access to him. Zugang haben zu suffragette movement !+s0frE*dZet mu"vmEnt? Very often the suffragette movement is associated only with London. Suffragetten-, Frauenrechts- bewegung Unit 4 188 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv