Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

V way of life Change your way of life now if you want to stay healthy! Lebensstil to arrange a marriage Their marriage had been arranged by their parents. eine Hochzeit arrangieren to force sb. to do sth. My parents forced me to go to England when I was 15. jmdn. zwingen etw. zu tun to give in to I won’t give in to this bully, so please stop bothering me. nachgeben 3 to feature !*fi"tSE? In his magazine he featured three representatives of NGOs. There were even some home stories on them. jmdn. (in einem Text, Film etc.) in den Mittelpunkt stellen to feel strongly about sth. I really feel strongly about the privileges that I could not share. eine klare Meinung zu etw. haben The Blue Planet poisonous !*pCIznEs? A poisonous snake bit him and he died instantly. giftig quarry !*kwOrI? The castle was built from stones from a local quarry. Steinbruch stealth bomber !stelT *bOmE? Stealth bombers cannot be tracked by radar. Tarnkappenbomber abundance !E*b0ndEns? Food was available in abundance and no one left hungry. Überfluss 1 reusable Reusable bags are more environmentally friendly. wiederverwendbar biodegradable !+baIEUdI*GreIdEbl? Biodegradable materials will reduce pollution through waste considerably. biologisch abbaubar climate change Carbon dioxide contributes to climate change. Klimawandel to cause damage to Floods caused a lot of damage to the houses in the area. schädigen to raise awareness !reIz E*weEnIs? Before you can change anything you have to raise public awareness regarding the urgency of this problem. das Bewusstsein erhöhen to waste natural resources We must stop wasting valuable natural resources now! natürliche Ressourcen vergeuden renewable !rI*nju"Ebl? Wind power is a cost-effective renewable energy source. erneuerbar energy source !*enEdZI sC"s? Oil is probably the most precious energy source we have. Energiequelle to generate wind power !*dZenEreIt wInd *paUE? To reduce carbon dioxide emissions, they decided to generate wind power. Windenergie erzeugen solar power !*sEUlE *paUE? Solar power makes sense in areas with a lot of sunshine. Sonnenenergie hydraulic power plant !haI*drC"lIk *paUE plA"nt? One hydraulic power plant after the other lined the whole stretch of river. Wasserkraftwerk wind park/farm Wind parks/farms always consist of several wind turbines. Windpark bottle bank Glass bottles are collected in bottle banks for recycling. Glassammelstelle landfill site Local residents are strongly against the new landfill site. Mülldeponie 2 to triple The number of visitors has tripled in recent years. sich verdreifachen species !*spi"Si"z? A species is a group of animals with similar features. Spezies to become extinct Tropical birds unfortunately have become extinct here. aussterben carbon dioxide !*kA"bEn daI*OksaId? Carbon dioxide not only makes your drinks fizzy, it also contributes to the greenhouse effect. Kohlendioxyd emissions !I*mISnz? Emissions from traffic have doubled in a very short time. Gasausstoß, Emissionen Plastic 1 waste disposal Many cities have problems with inappropriate waste disposal. Müllentsorgung 2 bag lady A bag lady is originally a homeless woman who keeps all her belongings in plastic bags. eigentlich: obdachlose Frau to break down When she heard the news, she broke down in tears. zusammenbrechen breeding ground for This island is the ideal breeding ground for tropical birds. Brutplatz für chick The chicks soon left the nest to look for food. Jungvogel, Kücken apocalypse !E*pOkElIps? The ecological apocalypse could be nearer than we think. Untergang, Apokalypse squid !skwId? Squids have eight arms, two tentacles and live in the sea. Tintenfisch wake-up call This experience was his wake-up call and changed his life. Weckruf ocean currents !*EUSn *k0rEnts? The ocean currents carried the raft out into the sea. Meeresströmungen circular motion !*s3"kjUlE *mEUSn? The helicopter started moving in a circular motion and then crashed. Kreisbewegung, Strudel marine Marine wildlife is in danger. Meeres-, zum Meer gehörig litter In the classroom there was litter all over the floor. Abfall sandwich wrapper Please throw your sandwich wrappers into the bins. Sandwichverpackung fragment !frxG*mEnt? Tiny fragments of the bullet were found in his wound. kleiner Teil, Fragment food chain The eagle is higher up the food chain than the mouse. Nahrungskette toxin The toxins led to the deaths of many fish in the river. Gift, Giftstoff to untangle !+0n*txNGl? They untangled the net and the boat could set off again. entwirren seal !si"l? Seals are sea mammals which live in groups. Seehund unaware of He was totally unaware of hurting her with his letter. sich einer Sache nicht bewusst sein to be moved to tears She was moved to tears when she saw her baby again. zu Tränen gerührt sein delicatessen !+delIkE*tesn? I like to buy cheese at the delicatessen in Vine Street. Feinkostgeschäft response His response was to call my superiors and complain. Antwort, Reaktion Unit 3 186 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eig ntum des Verlags öbv