Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

Writing skills: Developing a fluent and concise written style 1 concise !kEn*saIs? The new English dictionary is very concise. knapp, präzise stall !stC"l? The stalls in the market square mainly sold clothes. (Markt-)Stand steel drum band The steel drum band played a tune by Bob Marley. Steel Drum Band 2 to bleed My nose started bleeding immediately. bluten to look for trouble Some hooligans were looking for trouble after the game. Streit suchen to get involved It is really rewarding to get involved in a charity project. sich engagieren Brick Lane: English for everyone regeneration Local regeneration schemes don’t always work. Neubelebung influx The influx of tourists during the summer is enormous. Zustrom to weave !wi"v? Weaving has been practised for thousands of years. weben persecution In the 16 th century many people in Europe suffered from religious persecution. Verfolgung run-of-the-mill The chairs are just run-of-the-mill pieces. gewöhnlich, unspektakulär bagel On Sunday we had bagels with cream cheese. Gebäck jüdischen Ursprungs takeaway Our fridge was empty so we got our dinner from a Chinese takeaway. Take-away (= Imbissstube für Essen zum Mitnehmen) bustling In the centre there are only a few bustling shopping malls. belebt, geschäftig artistic The artistic value of his paintings is heavily disputed. künstlerisch 2 to be plain to It was plain to everyone that they were having an affair. offensichtlich sein für ranking Being last, it was hard for them to accept their ranking. Platz in der Rangliste educational achievement !+edju"*keISEnl E*tSi"vmEnt? Among the various ethnic groups there are considerable differences in educational achievement. schulische Leistung economic stagnation !+i"kE*nOmIk stxG*neISn? Economic stagnation is often the reason for a rise in unemployment. wirtschaftliche Stagnation, Stillstand drug abuse !dr0G E*bju"s? Drug abuse is a sign of desperation among the young. Drogenmissbrauch to be on the rise Sadly, the number of drug-related deaths is on the rise. zunehmen illiterate !I*lItErEt? That their son was virtually illiterate was a big shock. analphabetisch mosque !mOsk? In L.A. a former synagogue was converted into a mosque. Moschee to be determined He was determined to finish school soon and get a job. entschlossen sein to be absorbed into They did not want to be absorbed into the local culture. aufgehen in aspirations My own aspirations were just to work with horses. Bestreben, Ambitionen to be reinforced !bI +ri"InfC"st? Her fear was reinforced by what she read in the paper. verstärkt werden awareness-raising !E*weEnIs+reIzIN? Awareness-raising programmes should give young people the confidence to take their lives into their own hands. bewusstseinsschärfend to be all the rage Fancy hats were all the rage among the group. der letzte Schrei sein to hold sb. up He would have collapsed, but his friends held him up. hier: jmdn. stützen harmful Nuts can prove to be harmful if you are allergic to them. schädlich compulsory !kEm*p0lsErI? School for children between 10 and 14 is compulsory. verpflichtend, Pflicht- to label No one knew why they were labelled traditionalist. benennen to speak up Speak up, or nobody will realise that you have a problem. hier: sich zu Wort melden to curb !k3"b? The police often use bumps to curb speeding. beschneiden, einschränken rarity !*reErEtI? This is one of the rarities you can enjoy in this quiet area. Seltenheit, Rarität recreation The new theatre is a recreation of one from the 1700s. Nachbildung 3 to rely on !rI*laI On? The company heavily relies on her help as a manager. sich verlassen auf Writing skills: Essay: Structure and paragraphs 1 newcomer As a newcomer in this field, I had a lot to learn. Neuling language initiative !*lxNGwIdZ I*nISIEtIv? One of their first measures was to set up a language initiative and introduce language classes for adults. Sprachinitiative 2 integration Integration is one of the challenges of the next decade. Integration 3 vibrant !*vaIbrEnt? Their community soon developed a vibrant life style. lebhaft, pulsierend thrilling I recommend Brown’s new novel – it’s really thrilling! spannend Check-out 1 with respect to With respect to his plan I must admit that it’s very clever. in Bezug auf to get by The visitors thought they could get by without paying. durchkommen mit sufficient !sE*fISnt? There is not sufficient evidence that this was an accident. ausreichend hesitation He jumped into the ice-cold water without hesitation. Zögern circumlocution !+s3"kEmlE*kju"Sn? This passage is a good example of circumlocution without being too indirect. Umschreibung current events Current events are not the main focus of this magazine. aktuelle Ereignisse 2 to make one’s own decisions It is important for a child to make his or her own decisions. seine eigenen Entscheidungen treffen 185 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv