Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

V to judge sb. by You should not judge anybody by the colour of their skin. jmdn. beurteilen nach physical appearance !*fIzIkl E*pIErEns? His physical appearance is rough, but he is really nice. äußere Erscheinung 2 plantation owner Plantation owners in the US didn’t want slaves to be free. Plantagenbesitzer/in slave trade The slave trade was a key feature of colonialism. Sklavenhandel Caribbeans in the UK 1 barber My barber recommended this shampoo to me. (Herren-)Friseur grocer !*GrEUsE? I went to the grocer’s to get some food for the weekend. Lebensmittelhändler/in the black pound The black pound has turned out to be important for the local economy. Geld, das von schwarzen Kund/ innen ausgegeben wird 2 verbal abuse !*v3"bl E*bju"s? We were exposed to verbal abuse and nobody stopped it. Beschimpfung low wage !lEU weIdZ? Due to their low wages, the workers could not afford cars. Niedriglohn to respond to The police responded to the new situation calmly. reagieren auf surroundings !sE*raUndINz? In his surroundings there was no one he could relate to. Umgebung 3 factual text Don’t write about your emotions in a factual text. Sachtext 4 complexity People often underestimate the complexity of integration. Komplexität 5 to mark This marks the day when they first set foot on the island. angeben, bezeichnen to judge from Judging from her appearance she’s about 40 years old. urteilen nach Presenting information about ethnic minorities 1 front room The front room in a small British house is the centre of family life. zur Straße hin orientiertes Wohnzimmer Looking at ethnic traditions in the UK 1 caterer We disliked their food so we changed the caterer. Lebensmittellieferant/in diner !*dAInE? A diner is a small roadside restaurant. Diner raffle !*rxfl? I had lost my raffle ticket and could not claim my prize. Tombola, Verlosung spicy I prefer spicy food to flat dishes that taste like nothing. würzig, pikant duration We were not allowed to leave the police station for the duration of the protest march. Dauer Masala dosa Masala dosa is made from rice, potato, curry leaves and served with chutneys and Dhal. Masala Dosa chutney Chutney is made from vegetables or fruit. Chutney Dhal Dhal is an Indian dish made from lentils, peas, etc. Dal accompaniment A traditional accompaniment would be mushrooms. hier: Beilage naan bread Naan bread is served with Indian dishes as a side dish. Naan Brot, Fladenbrot poppadum A poppadum is a large circular piece of thin, spiced bread made from ground lentils and fried in oil. Papadam mango lassi They serve mango lassi as a drink to go with traditional Indian dishes. Joghurtgetränk mit Mangoge- schmack 2 to order a meal Ordering a meal in a foreign culture can be difficult. Essen bestellen 3 to promote !prE*mEUt? If you promote your project, I am sure it will be successful. bewerben 4 favourite dish Her favourite dish is curry. She can eat it day in, day out. Lieblingsgericht drama school After finishing drama school she soon got a part in a film. Schauspielschule not familiar with I am not familiar with the customs and traditions in India. nicht vertraut sein mit 5 recipe !*resIpI? My wife got this authentic recipe from a friend in Delhi. Rezept to lend itself to This process does not lend itself to standardisation. sich eignen für variation !veErI*eISn? Your diet needs some variation; otherwise it’s not healthy. Variation, Abwandlung first go at Luckily, people liked my first go at Indian cooking. erster Versuch clove of garlic !klEUv Ev *GA"lIk? A clove of garlic makes your curry spicier. Knoblauchzehe tomato purée !tE*mA"tEU *pjUEreI? Add tomato puree to mellow the taste of the onions. Tomatenpüree optional We eat curry with rice, the other dishes are optional. wahlweise, optional dessertspoon !dI*z3"tspu"n? Dessertspoons are larger than teaspoons. Dessertlöffel cube Some people put ice cubes into their drinks. Würfel to keep aside Keep the meat aside for a later stage. auf die Seite geben to chop The onions were chopped into small pieces. schneiden, hacken to fry Fry the onions first and then add the meat. in einer Pfanne braten on low flame Cook the goulash on low flame for several hours. auf kleiner Flamme 6 facial expression !*feISl Ik*spreSn? I tried to read her facial expression but I could not figure out what mood she was in. Gesichtsausdruck 184 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv