Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

promiscuous behaviour !prE*mIskjUEs bI*heIvjE? Many wives are unaware of the promiscuous behaviour of their husbands. promiskuitives Verhalten, Fremdgehen to have/get an abortion Though I had an abortion, we got married one year later. abtreiben to give a baby up for adoption Their options were either to give the baby up for adoption or leave school and get married. ein Baby zur Adoption freigeben to act one’s age Not acting one’s age can be embarrassing. sich altersgemäß benehmen contraception For advice on contraception talk to your doctor. Empfängnisverhütung suspense His new movie delivered suspense in more ways than one. Spannung 4 to frown !fraUn? Snoozing in the stalls has often been frowned upon. die Stirn runzeln witch Baba Yaga is an ancient witch from Russian folktales. Hexe naive !nA"*i"v? Don’t be so naive! Of course she was lying to you. naiv daft This is a film version of the play, and it’s completely daft. albern 5 conception Caffeine interferes with conception. Empfängnis to appreciate sth. My true fans will appreciate this album. etw. zu schätzen wissen to avoid sth. We could have avoided the losses if more had been done to implement safety standards in the industry. etw. vermeiden appointment She had to cancel a dental appointment. hier: Termin 6 purpose What‘s the purpose of a music video? Ziel, Absicht to comfort sb. Listening to my favourite record comforted me. jmdn. trösten hardship They are insured against future hardship. Mühsal, Belastung tremendous This is a tremendous achievement for the school. enorm, riesig to start all over I hope you have the courage to start all over again. von Neuem anfangen Communication skills: Improve your style: More emphasis, more colour 1 paraphrase Right after reading write your paraphrase on a notepad. Umschreibung to pay attention to sb./sth. I noticed that when a team member spoke, no one paid attention. jmdm./etw. Aufmerksamkeit schenken calories You can drink your calories via specially designed juices. Kalorien to be jealous of sb./sth. Sharon was jealous of me and considered me her rival, but I couldn’t understand why. auf jmdn./etw. eifersüchtig sein obsession with His obsession with shoes is beginning to worry me. Besessenheit für 2 emphatic They resigned with an emphatic statement. nachdrücklich, betont pathetic Bike thieves are petty, pathetic fools. armselig, erbärmlich to be driven about sth. She is very committed and driven about her work. rührig, geschäftig sein frankly Frankly, I’m not very interested. ehrlich gesagt luckily Luckily, we were on time. glücklicherweise anniversary !+xnI*v3"sErI? They celebrated their 25 th anniversary with a fancy dinner. Jahrestag, Jubiläum to break up with sb. I can’t believe that Sandra finally broke up with Tom. sich von jmdm. trennen to crash a party Freshmen from nearby dorms crashed the party. uneingeladen auftauchen Check-out 1 to do for a living What did you do for a living before you retired? Lebensunterhalt verdienen 2 to host sth. London hosted the 2012 Summer Olympics. etw. veranstalten to submit sth. We will submit a detailed report to the committee. etw. einreichen/vorlegen current They promise practical solutions to many current needs. aktuell, gegenwärtig outline She has already seen the outline of the film script. Konzept, Abriss to exchange We exchanged tips about what works in our communities. austauschen 3 participation Participation in physical activities is recommended. Teilnahme competitor Competitor analysis is a vital part of our strategic process. Mitbewerber/in to fear sth. Earthquake: Thousands feared dead etw. befürchten over-ambitious Be over-ambitious and maybe you will get halfway there. überehrgeizig sedentary !*sedntErI? A sedentary lifestyle tends to be less healthy. sitzend to see nothing wrong in She saw nothing wrong in having gone out on her own. nichts Falsches in ... sehen to catch the marathon bug Who knows, I might catch the marathon bug this race. vom Marathonfieber angesteckt werden to inspire What inspired you to paint those pictures? inspirieren to gather information Martin has to gather information to present to the board. Informationen sammeln Multi-ethnic Britain multi-ethnic society !+m0ltI*eTnIk sE*saIEtI? In a multi-ethnic society people from various backgrounds live together peacefully. multikulturelle Gesellschaft cultural influence !*k0ltSErEl *InflUEns? The cultural influence of the British on their colonies was enormous. kultureller Einfluss mass immigration Climate change and war might lead to mass immigration. Masseneinwanderung for economic reasons Years ago their family left Russia for economic reasons. aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen Unit 2 183 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv