Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

V Vocabulary Words in blue: These words/phrases are the most important ones, the core vocabulary. You should learn them first. Words in black: These words/phrases are additional vocabulary, which will further help you to improve your language skills. Growing up employment !Im*plCImEnt? Employment decreased by 39,000 last year. Beschäftigung age of consent !eIdZ Ef kEn*sent? The age of consent in the UK is 16. Ehemündigkeitsalter criminal responsibility Ministers have raised the age of criminal responsibility. Strafmündigkeit court decision !kC"t dI*sIZn? You can appeal a court decision only once. Gerichtsurteil under certain conditions This law does not apply under certain conditions. unter bestimmten Umständen 1 lack of maturity I worry that David’s lack of maturity could be harmful. mangelnde Reife to take to court He is one of the last people they want to take to court. klagen (vor Gericht) 3 appropriate !E*prEUprIEt? Everybody should dress appropriately for the occasion. angemessen age limit There is no age limit – all citizens are invited to apply. Altersgrenze Friendship 1 proverb !*prOv3"b? A proverb is a short saying stating a general truth. Sprichwort hedge !hedZ? We are offering hedges and hedge plants in all sizes. Hecke 2 loyalty !*lCIEltI? Earn loyalty points by playing this game online. Loyalität, Treue controversial issue !+kOntrE*v3"Sl *ISju"? A meeting will be held to discuss the controversial issue. umstrittenes Thema to entrust Who would entrust their money to an investment fund? anvertrauen juicy secret The juicy secret to getting your ex-boyfriend back pikantes Geheimnis component !kEm*pEUnEnt? The broken component needs replacing. Bestandteil, Komponente to keep sth. to oneself He said he had kept it to himself for ten years. etw. für sich behalten to ache !eIk? When I was a boy, I ached to be a scientist. hier: sich nach etw. sehnen to spill the news Ms Knowles, have you spilled the news to your client? Neuigkeiten verraten word gets back to sb. However, word got back to her boss and she was fired. jmd. bekommt von etw. Wind to sting A swarm of killer bees stung a mushroom-picker to death. stechen ego !*i"GEU? It requires a big ego to run for president. Ego, Persönlichkeit commitment Firefighters show commitment to the disabled. Einsatz, Engagement to bring out sth. Our fun games guarantee to bring out the kid in you. etw. erwecken to repay !ri"*peI? He has 28 days to repay the amount or face prison. zurückzahlen reminder Despite several reminders, our invoice remained unpaid. Mahnung 3 to hang out with sb. We hung out with my dad watching football. mit jmdm. Zeit verbringen 4 curfew !*k3"fju"? The Council will establish juvenile curfews on 31 October. Ausgangssperre, Sperrstunde to become defensive She became defensive after we asked her about Brian. sich angegriffen fühlen Slam 1 to be supposed to do sth. She is supposed to set an example for the contestants. etw. tun sollen straight after Bins must be emptied straight after Christmas sofort nach to panic I felt a twinge and I guess I panicked a bit. in Panik verfallen guts He didn’t have the guts to speak up. hier: Bauchgefühl, Mut to lock oneself in Gina locked herself in the bathroom for three hours. sich einschließen to flush the loo We had to flush the loo with saved washing-up water. Toilettenspülung betätigen to beep Quick, check your phone! It beeped right after you left. piepsen lap I grew up on my granddad’s lap watching football games. Schoß to get choked up I got choked up; it was such an honour to be there! mit den Tränen kämpfen to reckon My wife reckons we should start playing the lottery soon. glauben, meinen cloth !klOT? You can wipe the ball with a wet cloth to clean it. Tuch 2 to dread sth. I really dread participating in reality shows. etw. fürchten to face the truth He had to face the awful truth that she didn’t love him. der Wahrheit ins Auge sehen to put sth. off for as long as possible Firing people is such an unpleasant experience that most managers will put it off for as long as possible. etw. so lange wie möglich aufschieben mature I don’t know if we are mature enough for major success. reif to take responsibility for one’s actions Learning to take responsibility for one’s actions is an important part of growing up. Verantwortung für seine Hand- lungen übernehmen Unit 1 182 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eig ntum des Verlags öbv