Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

1 Listening: The life of a “wunderkind” You are going to listen to a recording about an extraordinary teenager. First you will have 45 seconds to study the task below, then you will hear the recording twice. While Iistening, answer the questions (1–6) using a maximum of four words. Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. 0 What do Wendy’s parents do for a living? they are professional musicians ✔ 1 At what age did Wendy start taking part in contests? 2 What did the teachers at Wendy’s school think about her? 3 Who helped Wendy to study when she was on tour? 4 What advantage did it have for Wendy to spend so little time in school? 5 What will be Wendy’s next recording project? 6 Who wanted Wendy to improve at playing the piano? 1 1 1.2 Now you can • Talk and write about friendship and problems in relationships. • Discuss the contents of stories. • Continue a story. • Write a blog comment. • Express emphasis in various ways. Can understand the information content of the majority of recorded or broadcast audio material on topics of personal interest delivered in clear standard speech. (B1) Speaking – Paired activity: A new life ahead A local TV station is hosting a video competition where young people are asked to submit documentaries on current teenage topics. The winners will be given the chance to work at the TV station in the holidays. You and your partner decide to take part and to produce a documentary on teenage pregnancies. Discuss the following aspects: • changes a baby brings about • responsibilities of a parent • support for young parents • possible reasons for teenage pregnancies • dealing with the issue in schools Decide how to set up the outline of your clip. 2 Can exchange, check and confirm information, deal with less routine situations and explain why something is a problem. (B1) 18 Growing up Check-out Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentu des Verlags öbv