Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

G Direct speech (Excerpt from Joe Grimsby’s speech) Indirect speech (What The Gazette reported two days later) present perfect progressive past perfect progressive “Everybody in the party has been doing their very best over the past few weeks.” He added that everybody in the party had been doing their very best over the past few weeks. past simple past perfest simple “It was only six months ago that I was chosen to represent the party.” He explained that it had only been six months before that he had been chosen to represent the party. past perfect simple past perfect simple “It’s amazing what the party has achieved in such a short time!” He exclaimed that it was amazing what the party had achieved in such a short time. will would “And I’m absolutely certain that we will win the election next week .” He finished by saying that he was absolutely certain that they would win the election the following week . b) Indirect questions Direct speech Indirect speech question word question word “When did you decide to become the party’s candi- date, Mr Grimsby?” The reporter wanted to know when Joe Grimsby had decided to become the party’s candidate. no question word whether or if “Will the financial situation allow you to keep all your promises?” She asked Mr Grimsby if/whether the financial situation would allow him to keep all his promises. c) Indirect commands Direct speech Indirect speech command infinitive with (not) to “So, my friends, elect the right person for the job.” He told everyone to elect the right person for the job. And he warned them not to believe any of the rumours spread by his political opponents. “And don’t believe any of the rumours spread by my political opponents.” Relative clauses Relative clauses are used to give de”nitions or to add extra information. ere are two types of relative clauses: de ning relative clauses and non-de ning relative clauses . Defining relative clauses Non-defining relative clauses George Orwell was the English author who criticised political injustice most strongly. In his novel Animal Farm the pigs are the animals that rule over all the others. George Orwell, who was born in Bengal, wrote Animal Farm and 1984 . The Seven Commandments, which the pigs write on a barn wall, become law on the farm.        G7 178 Grammar Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv