Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

Adjectives that have the same form as adverbs Adjective Adverb We rented a fast car when we were in the US. But you aren’t allowed to drive fast in America. It’s a long journey from Washington D.C. to L.A. It took very long to get to Chicago. On the way home we took an early flight. We had to get up terribly early to catch our plane. Further examples of adjectives that have the same form as adverbs are far , low , daily , monthly and weekly . Adverbs with two different forms Adverb without -ly Adverb with -ly We’ve all worked very hard. (hart/schwer) We can hardly wait for the Cup Final. (kaum) Our team always plays fair. (fair) We’re fairly sure that we’ll win next week. (ziemlich) We’ve just signed contracts with two promising young Brazilians. (gerade) In my opinion, the decision to let Ray Jones go was justly made. (zu Recht) Their players didn’t even get near our goal. (nah/in die Nähe) And the match was nearly over when they had their first real chance. (fast) In the match on Saturday, United scored late. (spät) Have you seen any interesting matches on TV lately? (in letzter Zeit) b) The position of adverbs/adverbials in the sentence ere are three positions in the sentence where adverbs/adverbials can be placed: • front position: before the subject • mid position: between the subject and the main verb or between auxiliary and main verb • end position: aer the verb or aer verb + object Which position you decide on depends on the type of adverb/adverbial and the emphasis you want to give it. Tenses a) Talking about the present Present simple The sun rises in the east. Money doesn’t grow on trees. • You use the present simple when you express facts or what people accept as true . The Jacksons often go to Scotland in the winter. It doesn’t usually snow much there, or does it? Well, places higher up are sometimes snowed in for days. • e present simple is also used when you talk about things that happen regularly or about permanent states . Signal words: o†en , usually , sometimes , always , regularly , never , etc. In William Golding’s Lord of the flies a group of English pupils land on a Pacific island after their plane is shot down. What first looks like paradise soon becomes hell when the boys start fighting each other and when the “beast” appears. • You can also use the present simple to describe a series of actions or events that happened one aer another. It is oen used in sports commentaries , in comments on texts and in summaries . Present progressive I’m just reading a very interesting article. It says that the oceans are rising more quickly than previously predicted. It blames governments all over the world because too little is being done at the moment to stop this development. • You use the present progressive to describe activities that are happening at the moment , and for gradual developments. Signal words: just , at the moment , right now , etc. G2 171 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv