Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

W Useful tips Reference line In the reference line say exactly which article/topic you are referring to, e.g. No place for immigrants , 31 October 2016. Starting off What are your objectives? What do you want to convey in your e-mail? Why are you responding to this topic? Try to stick to the facts. Introduction Say why you are writing and which article/topic you are referring to. Language Use formal language. Keep your sentences short. Long, wordy letters give the impression that you are trying too hard to make a point. Body of the letter You should soon get to the point. Avoid lengthy arguments. List your key messages but do not go overboard. Three to five short key points are sufficient. Signature You should always sign your e-mail with name and city. General Avoid personal attacks. Be clear and concise. A report   Page 96 A report is a written text that presents information in a factual way, often containing diagrams, tables, etc. in order to illustrate contents more clearly. Checklist: Report • Include a title, a subject line and section headings. • Each section in the report has its own paragraph. • Include facts, figures and opinions of others. • Make points clearly and directly using factual language. • Draw a conclusion: Give a brief summary (include a personal evaluation/recommendation if necessary). Useful language Introduction As requested I have prepared a report … The aim of this report is to point out/compare the advantages and disadvantages of … This report tries to suggest that … This report is intended to … Reporting the current situation Most people seem to feel that … Several people/students explained/said/suggested/thought that … The current situation is satisfactory/unsatisfactory/disappointing for students because … Recommen- dations or suggestions To sum up, … I would therefore recommend/suggest … Both ideas have benefits, but … It would seem that … is the best idea. Example question You are an exchange student at Handsworth Grammar School, England. Teachers have complained about students’ use of mobile phones in class. As a result, the headmaster wants to ban them completely. As a class representative, your classmates have asked you to write a report to your headmaster. In your report you should: • inform the headmaster about the current situation in your school • explain why mobile phones are necessary for students • suggest new ways to control the use of mobile phones Divide your report into sections and give them headings . Write around 200 words . 5 168 Writing guide Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv