Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

Example question You are a regular reader of the Yorkville News . However, during the last seven days, the new comic strip series “Street Heroes” has made you upset and angry, as it is making fun of homeless people. You decide to write an e-mail to the editor to speak your mind. In your e-mail you should: • criticise the new comic series • argue why you disagree with it • describe your own experience with homeless people Write around 200 words . Example answer Useful language Reference line No place for immigrants, 31 October 2016 New comic strip series, 22–28 April Greetings Dear Editor, … Dear Mr …/Mrs …/Ms …, … Dear Sir/Madam, … Dear Sir or Madam, … Reasons for writing With reference to your article of 31 October 20.., [title/headline], I would like to … Your article on … 21 March states/points out that … I am writing to you about … I am writing regarding the concert/play which was performed … I am writing concerning the article which appeared … Body of the letter After carefully studying your article, I am sorry to say that … Unfortunately, you forgot to mention … Please allow me to voice my criticism of your … At this point, I would like to express doubts about … I would appreciate more objectivity when … Ending e.g. Amy White, New York Re.: New comic strip series, 22–28 April Reply Reply to All Forward Dear Editor, I am writing to you about the new comic strip series called “Street Heroes”. I have been a die-hard fan of the comic section of your newspaper for years, but recently I have become really irritated. Over the last seven days, “Street Heroes” has been making fun of homeless people constantly. After carefully studying the strip’s cynicism, I am sorry to say that it is absolutely disgusting. In my opinion, being homeless is nothing to laugh about. Actually, laughing at the misery of a fellow man can be called a human rights violation. Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights supports my point of view: “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care […].” Portraying homeless people the way that cartoonist Maria Tallerand does is very insensitive and not amusing or entertaining for readers who have a social conscience. I’ve been working for a charity for 13 years now. I help out at a shelter to prepare dinner for around 15 homeless and we celebrate Christmas together. Their problems are serious and nothing to make fun of. Amy White, New York 167 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv