Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

W Example answer Becoming who you are (by Kai McKenzie) Do you remember your rst party, your rst kiss, the butter ies in your stomach? One of the most unique and controversial periods in the human life cycle are the teenage years. Some adults say that these were completely useless and terrible years, others claim they were their best. But one thing is for certain: the experience you have is something new. Even Socrates was among those who had very stereotyped views on teenagers. e most common ones are that teens are irresponsible and don’t know their limits, which might be true for some because of the hormone surge in their bodies. is can lead to consequences like not being allowed to see friends or getting mobile phone punishments. ese make teenagers want to rebel more, which creates a vicious spiral that continues until the teenage years are over. ere always comes some good with every bad, though. Many experiences as a teenager are some of the best in a person’s life, such as going out and testing your physical limits. ere are also many things that you experience for the rst time. Discovering your own personality helps you out with your decisions in later life. And don’t forget the fun you can have leading a carefree life as a student! Even though it’s hard to be a teenager with all the consequences and dependence on parents, you always have to look at the whole picture. All of these rst time experiences help you to become who you are. Without this time of your life you could never become a true adult. Useful tips Starting off Think of who your readers are. What purpose does your article have? Should it inform, persuade, explain, give advice, …? Start off by collecting ideas. Put them under different headings, which should be your paragraphs in the text. Title Think of a catchy title. Introduction Your opening paragraph should introduce the readers to the topic and make them want to keep reading. Use questions to get them interested and try to involve them by using you , e.g.: • “Do you remember …?” • “Are you thinking of buying …?” • “Are you one of those people who …?” Body Develop your points by using paragraphs. It is OK to express your opinion. Depending on the purpose of your article, you can use exclamation marks for emphasis. Include examples. Use direct speech for things people said. Conclusion Summarise the main points, give your opinion or express your feelings. Language Depending on the kind of article, it is OK to use informal language. An opinion essay   Page 32 An opinion essay (also called argumentative essay) presents a personal point of view on a subject and aims to persuade the reader. Checklist: Opinion essay • Make a list with arguments (for or against). • Divide your text into clear paragraphs. • Write in formal style. • Use connecting words to link arguments. • Express your own opinion in a clear and logical way. • Include examples, facts, reasons, comparisons or contrasts to illustrate your point of view. 3 5 10 15 20 25 30 164 Writing guide Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv