Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

Useful tips Starting off Read the text carefully. Find out the main idea and write it down (notes). Step 2 Read the text again and write down three facts and arguments for each paragraph that support the main idea (notes). Step 3 Start writing your summary. First write down the main idea in one or two sentences. Step 4 Summarise the paragraphs. Leave out everything that is not important. Your own ideas/ arguments/opinions do not belong in a summary. Step 5 Check your summary. Are you sure you have summarised the main points correctly? Always think of the reader who does not know anything about this topic. An article   Page 25 Articles inform the public in an unbiased way. As total objectivity is not possible, they should at least be fair, with all the relevant points included. Checklist: Article • Consider the purpose of your article (entertain, inform, persuade, etc.). • Use fairly objective prose language. • Include dates, facts and information about the topic. • Remember the structure: introduction (should attract the reader’s interest) – body – conclusion. • Use paragraphs. • Include questions to/Involve the reader. • Include examples or direct speech. • Express your opinion if required. • Think of a catchy title. Example question The teen magazine WHAT’S UP ? is looking for articles about being a teenager today. As a prize for the best entries you can win a weekend in London. You have decided to send in an article to the magazine. In your article you should: • explain the positive sides of being a teenager • discuss the negative sides of adolescence • illustrate your arguments with examples Give your article a title . Write around 200 words . 2 163 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv