Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

1 1. Dan doesn’t act like a good friend any more. He’s always . 2. Tara is really bothering us with her stupid new diet. She . 3. One of our neighbours is really strange. . 4. I have problems with my parents. . 5. I hate this girl at school. . Improve your style: More emphasis, more colour Using the present progressive for emphasis a) Look at the following example sentences and match them with the appropriate paraphrases. b) What effect does the present progressive tense have? 1. He’s always paying too much attention to Lisa. A I’m jealous of her, I’d love to have such a boyfriend too. 2. Belinda’s always counting the calories in our food at lunch! B I’m sick of the fact that he never pays enough attention to me. 3. Mark’s always surprising Laura with great presents. C Her obsession with low-calorie food just gets on my nerves! c) Make sentences for each of the following situations using the ideas below and the present progressive. 1 look at me through the window try to steal my boyfriend refuse to have an ice-cream with us complain about my friends try to make me do things I don’t want to do Tip The present progressive with words such as “always” or “constantly” expresses the idea that something irritating or shocking often happens. T Using emphatic forms a) Read the dialogue about study habits. Some words are missing. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1–7). Put a cross ( ✘ ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. Tia: Ray, you just fell asleep about ve times in class! You need some sleep. You … 0 remember what that is, right? Ray: … 1 I need is for you to get out of my ear. Tia: Hey, what’s wrong? You’ve been … 2 rude to everyone all week. What do you do at night that makes you so tired and edgy the next day? Ray: Oh come on. Everyone falls asleep in business class. Tia: But you … 3 were always so crazy about becoming a big success in the business world. Ray: ere’s time for that when I’m 30. But I can’t hang out late at the skatepark with Ian when I’m 30. at would be … 4 pathetic! Tia: So that’s where you’ve been going at night. Do you … 5 think that’s the right crowd to be hanging with? It’s a super scary place and I’m … 6 hearing lots of drug and alcohol stories about it. I mean, they do call it “Candyland” for a reason! And we’re not talking about chocolate. Ray: Tia, you yourself said I should stop being so driven about getting into a good college and enjoy life a little before everything gets so serious at college. Anyway, gotta go now. I’m helping Ian to organise a skater event over at Candyland. Tia: Ian can organise it … 7 . You’ve got history now. Ray: Sorry, “Mum”, no time for history today. I’d just fall asleep anyway, remember? 2 16 Growing up Communication skills Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv