Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

Reading–speaking: The world’s greatest fan (B1+) Comment on the speech above and discuss its strengths and weaknesses. Use adverbs and phrases from below where they are appropriate. Useful phrases Adverbs modifying point of view carelessly • certainly • clearly • cleverly • definitely • fortunately • luckily • naturally • obviously • personally • presumably • seriously • simply • surely • technically • theoretically • undoubtedly • unfortunately Commenting My feeling is that … . • If you ask me, this speech is … . • I genuinely/really think that … . • I (don’t) think that this speech … . • I personally … . • Well, actually, … . • It’s really quite simple … . • In the first place … . Talking about speeches In the speech it says … . • The speech is about (how to) … . • The first part of the speech deals with … . • The main topic is … . • The speaker wants to tell us … . • The speech contains … . • The speaker comments on … . • The speaker assumes that … . • The speaker makes us believe that … . • The speaker tries to convince/persuade/ explain … . • The speaker forgot to mention that … . • The speaker concludes by saying that … . • The speech is/ was convincing because … . • The speech does/did not resonate with me because … . • The speech is/was superficial/inspiring/fascinating/simple/plain/thought-provoking/provocative/serious … . P Self-assessment Tick the appropriate boxes. Listening Can follow in outline straightforward short talks on familiar topics provided these are delivered in clearly articulated standard speech. I could understand everything. Sometimes I had to guess the meaning. I could only understand parts. I could hardly understand anything. Writing Can summarise, report and give his/her opinion about accumulated factual information on familiar routine and non-routine matters within his field with some confidence. I could write the text without help. I reused phrases from the text. I had to look up words/phrases. I could not express my ideas as wanted. Reading Can recognise the line of argument in the treatment of the issue presented, though not necessarily in detail. I understood the text without help. I had to guess the meaning. I had to use a dictionary. I did not understand the text. Speaking Can give straightforward descriptions on a variety of familiar subjects within his/her field of interest. I could express my opinion without help. I was sometimes lost for words. I had to make notes before I started. I could not express my ideas clearly. Find suggestions to help you on the CD-ROM in this book. 3 157 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv