Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

S Unit 8: Famous speeches Listening–writing: What did you do today? (B1+) a) Listen to this speech and give it a new headline. b) Listen again and take notes. Make a list of dos and don’ts. Try to find a positive action for each negative point. Dos Don’ts c) Write an article for a leaflet for young pupils with illustrations and include the main points of the speech. Find suitable examples to make your text more powerful. d) Present your text in class and explain the message and the illustrations you have used. Reading–speaking: The world’s greatest fan (B1) a) Read this school speech below and separate it into paragraphs. 1 26 4.8 2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 An atmosphere of tension is in the air. e crowd is dead still as a man steps up to the plate. Just one obstacle stands between failure and the championship. e pressure of a cult of fans is resting on one man’s shoulders. A whistle breaks the silence. e ball is blasted from the €eld … GOAL! Manchester United win the Champions League! I am a Manchester United fan of note. My dad has been the driving force in the greatest passion of my life since the day I was born. I am a Manchester United fan – born and quite clearly … bred. I come from a long line of Manchester United supporters that can be traced back through a number of generations before me. In fact, it seems that the “Manchester United” gene is mutating and each generation is becoming even more fanatical. It all started o with my grandfather and his friends loudly cheering for the Man United team of his day, while sipping a gentlemanly beer at the local pub, listening to a radio broadcast of the Match of the Day . But now it seems to have taken on a life of its own. Our weekends, anniversaries, birthdays and even holidays are carefully planned around the Premier League, and when it comes to the FA Cup, life in our household comes to a standstill. is is not a good time to get sick – believe me, you will have to fend for yourself and do so quietly. Other babies nodded o to sleep to childhood lullabies and peaceful music. I dozed o to sleep listening to the background cheering of United fans, punctuated every now and again with a loud “YES!!” and a victory walk around the lounge for every goal scored. Most other babies had Mum and Dad huddled around them, gently making them say their €rst word, “Mum or Dad?” Not so with me. I had Dad – not so gently, making me say Man-ches-ter. And guess what, I got it – my €rst word! So, I stand before you – the world’s greatest fan. I am a living example of how genetic engineering and a daily dose of “Manu-ism” brainwashing can create a new generation of Man United fans. ( ; adapted) b) Describe the speech and summarise it. 156 Semester self-checks Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv