Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

to order a cappuccino with all the bubbles taken out by hand, one by one. I felt sick, of course, but it was better to feel sick without knowing for sure. In the queue I could still imagine that it was only going to be a beating, but once I’d spoken to her, that would be that. e woman in front of me wanted a cloth to wipe up some orange juice her kid had spilled on the table. It took no time at all. And I couldn’t think of a di¡cult drink. I asked for a frappuccino. At least the ice takes a long time. And then when I’d got my drink there was nothing else to do except go and sit next to Alicia at the counter. “Hello,” I said. “Happy birthday,” she said. And then, “I’m late.” (From: Slam by Nick Hornby; abridged) Discussing Slam a) Have a look at the following quotes from the story. Find out who says/thinks these sentences and explain what they mean by them. Line number Who says that? “Is that a Miss No One?” “I wanted to be three or four, and too young to make any kind of mess, apart from the mess you make when you scribble on walls or tip your food bowl upside down.” “If Alicia was going to tell me what I thought she was going to tell me, I reckoned it would be a long time before Mum said that again.” “All the way there, I was doing all kinds of deals, or trying to.” “Sex was over for me, forever, no doubt.” “I wouldn’t mind taking a beating, I thought.” “ ere were two people in front of me, and I hoped they had the longest and most complicated orders Starbucks has ever heard of.” “I’m late.” 2 95 100 105 b) Discuss whether or not Sam is acting his age. Give examples from the text that tell the reader about his level of maturity. c) The author could have just told the reader what Alicia’s news was from the start – but then there would have been no suspense. Give examples from the text that show how the author builds up sus- pense for the climax of this passage. d) How do you think the story continues? Useful phrases to dread sth. (e.g. bad news) • to regret sth. • to face the truth • to put sth. off for as long as possible • to be mature • to be ready to • to take responsibility for one’s actions • to show promiscuous behaviour • Any teen pregnancy will be a challenge. • to keep her baby • to have an abortion • to give a baby up for adoption • You have to look at it from both perspectives. • There are two sides to every story. • to act your age • to use contraception/a condom P 13 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv