Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

3 Eating out Eating habits In pairs, discuss your eating habits. • How often do you eat out? • Which types of restaurant do you prefer? • Why do you/don’t you like eating out? • When you are on holiday, do you try out local food? Before you read a) Describe what you can see in these pictures. b) Guess what they could have to do with eating out. 1 Useful phrases I usually don’t eat at home when … . • I often eat in a restaurant when … . • I never eat out because … . • I don’t like the food that is served in restaurants. • I’m interested in local food. • I don’t eat things I don’t know. • The food in a restaurant doesn’t taste better than …/as good as … . P 2 London is one of the world’s top tourist destinations. Like many major cities, it can be hard to •nd a truly original restaurant. If you like trying something a little diŠerent, here are •ve restaurants that capture London’s special and creative atmosphere. Dans Le Noir: In this restaurant you eat your entire dinner in the dark. ˆis might sound like a bad joke, but Dans Le Noir is enjoying success with this pretty strange idea. Book a table here and you’ll be served dinner in a room without even the smallest scrap of light. ˆis allows guests to experience the “true” taste of food. Don’t worry about spilling food or stabbing yourself with a fork. ˆere are specially trained “guides” to assist you. RootMaster: ˆe RootMaster restaurant claims to be London’s •rst vegan “bustaurant”. ˆe kitchen takes up the ground ®oor and the seating upstairs has some pretty great views and is surprisingly romantic. ˆe food is reasonably priced and the novelty of eating on a bus seems to be proving a big hit. Inamo: ˆis Asian restaurant is a place for computer geeks. ˆere are no staŠ taking your orders 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 since all your food is ordered through an interactive computer system. ˆe menu is projected from the ceiling right onto your table and sensors allow you to navigate as if using a touch-screen. You can also play computer games in between courses, surf the internet or order yourself a taxi home. Medieval Banquet: If you’re aŸer a loud and fun night out, give the Medieval Banquet a try. No table manners are needed and along with your four-course banquet, unlimited drinks ®ow freely all night. You’ll truly feel like a knight or lady right in the Middle Ages. During the evening you’ll have the chance to watch sword •ghts, jugglers and musicians without leaving the table. e Wapping Project: ˆe Wapping Project is a restaurant housed in a real electric power station. It is out of use nowadays but the beautiful old industrial building still has many of its original features. ˆe dining area is located in the engine room and turbine house. ˆe result is a trendy restaurant in one of the most unusual and atmospheric buildings in town. (Nomadic Matt, , 13 August 2010; adapted) Reading: Five unusual places to eat out in London Read the text about five unusual places to eat out in London. First decide whether the statements (1–7) are true (T) or false (F) and put a cross ( ✘ ) in the correct box. Then identify the sentence in the text which supports your decision. Write the first four words of this sentence in the space provided. There may be more than one correct answer; write down only one. The first one (0) has been done for you. 3 38 Up and away Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv