Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

Singer: My latest album is ready. . Photographer: Jennifer Aniston won’t come anymore, I’m going home. I . Past or past perfect forms Link the following sentences with the words in brackets and change the tenses wherever necessary. 1. Mr Patel read an article in his local paper. He decided to write a letter to the editor to complain about the new plans for a huge hotel in the area. (after) 2. He wanted to protest against the plans of the council. He feared that it would lead to more traffic in his neighbourhood. (because) 3. He finished the letter. He took it to the post box. (as soon as) 4. He walked through the park. He had an idea. (while) 5. He was never a member of a political party. He suddenly wanted to take action. (although) 6. He reached the post box. He decided that he would join a local action group. (before) 7. He got home. He looked up the address of a local action group to contact them. (when) Introducing open gap fill: Using tenses Read the conversation about flying. Some words are missing. Complete the text by writing one word for each gap (1–10) in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. Claire: Have you ever … 0 to the US? Thomas: No, I haven’t. Have you? Claire: Yes, I have. I … 1 to California last year. Thomas: And did you like it? Claire: Oh yes, I liked it a lot. Everybody was so easy-going. You know I had never … 2 Europe until then and so this big trip was really a •rst. Thomas: I think I wouldn’t like to … 3 there. Claire: Why not? Thomas: I don’t like … 4 , especially long distances. Claire: How come? Thomas: My •rst ®ight was a disaster. ˆe weather was so bad – there had … 5 heavy storms for days – and so we had a lot of problems … 6 the ®ight. Almost everybody was sick. As soon as the plane had touched down and stopped in the parking position I … 7 from my seat and ran to the door. But I couldn’t get out, of course. ˆe ®ight attendants calmed me down. It was so embarrassing. I … 8 like it at all. Claire: ˆat was a bit unfortunate. I have never … 9 such a bad ®ight. Especially long-distance … 10 are normally very smooth. I’d love to go to America again. Don’t you want to come along too, in spite of your bad experiences? 0 been ✔ 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 4 5 Tip • Read the whole text very carefully before you start filling the gaps. • When finished, read through the whole text again to see if it really makes sense. T 37 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv