Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

3 Talking about the past Grammar For more details see  G 3 Past forms • Use past forms when actions are completely in the past. Signal words: yesterday, last year, in 2009, a few months ago, … Last week we went to a horror camp. • Use present perfect forms for actions in the past that are linked to the present. Signal words: just, lately, recently, already, so far, up to now, ever, never, … I have never met anybody like that before. • Use past perfect forms to express actions that happened before other actions in the past. Jasper had finished his homework before his father came home. • All tenses can be used in the simple form or the progressive form . Past: We were having lunch when the phone rang . Present perfect: They have been waiting there for more than an hour. Past perfect: Before we could enter the club, we had been queuing for hours. G Past tense forms a) Look at the text “A night to remember” on page 34 again and underline the tense forms. b) Write down examples for each of the past tenses. c) What have the tenses got to do with the content? Past or present perfect forms Complete the dialogue with the correct past forms or present perfect forms. Mum: Are you still in front of that computer? You 1 (sit) there all morning. Paul: Well, I 2 (do research) on attractive holiday destinations. Mum: We won’t go on holiday this year! I 3 (tell) you that the other day. Paul: Oh, Mum! We 4 (not be) on holiday for ages. Mum: ˆat’s not true. We 5 (go) on a nice trip last year. Paul: Ed 6 (be) to Greece recently. When I went over, he 7 (show) me his videos. He had an exciting week there. Mum: It’s not excitement we need. My stress level 8 (go up) for years. I need more peace and quiet. Present perfect progressive + since/for Complete what people say with the present perfect progressive + since/for . 1 2 3 film non-stop • July record it • Christmas research the facts • months wait here • hours write it • two years Movie director: Everyone is glad to go home. We . Author: My new book is •nally •nished. I . TV journalist: Everything in our report is true. We . 36 Up and away Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv