Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

2 Reading: Book review Diary of a Wimpy Kid Read the book review about Diary of a Whimpy Kid. Complete the sentences (1–6) using a maximum of four words. Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. 1 JeŠ Kinney’s Diary of a Wimpy Kid has been a great success with middle school kids since it came out in 2007. It was on the New York Times Bestseller List for children’s books for 57 weeks. ˆe main character of the book is Greg He¯ey, a teenager. He gets a journal from his mum which he uses to record his daily activities in and outside of school. Whether Greg is concerned with his friend Rowley, with homework or family life, he usually doesn’t know how to behave properly. He has no clue about what would keep him out of trouble and why parents, teachers and friends are upset with him. ˆis makes the book really amusing. With funny cartoons on every page, you’ll be laughing your head oŠ from start to •nish. 5 10 15 20 25 30 Diary of a Wimpy Kid is JeŠ Kinney’s •rst book. As a student, Kinney had his own comic strip in his school newspaper. AŸer college, he began writing Diary of a Wimpy Kid and putting it online on ˆen a publishing company oŠered Kinney to print his stories as real books. ˆe book’s lined pages, plus Greg’s writing and his pen and ink cartoons, really make it seem like an actual diary. If you are looking for a book with a main character who is a perfect role model for your child, this isn’t it. If you are looking for a funny book your kids will enjoy, this is certainly the right choice. I recommend Diary of a Wimpy Kid especially for younger teenagers. 0 Diary of a Wimpy Kid was first … 2007. published in ✔ 1 The book … a teenager called Greg Heffley. 2 He … whatever he does in and outside of school. 3 His real problem is the way … towards parents, teachers and friends. 4 Before Diary of a Wimpy Kid came out as a printed book, … on the internet. 5 The way the book is designed makes you believe it is … . 6 Especially younger teenagers … the book. Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired information, and gather information from different parts of a text, or from different texts in order to fulfil a specific task. (B1) 30 It’s my life Check-out Now you can • Talk about other people’s personal qualities. • Talk about yourself, your strengths/weaknesses and your plans for the future. • Write a formal e-mail. • Talk about features of a social networking site. • Talk about future events. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv