Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

Listening: Jimmy’s story – Part 2 a) Listen to the second part of the story and answer the following questions: 1. What is Jimmy’s job? 2. Where does Jimmy work? 3. How do people react to what Jimmy does? 4. How does Jimmy help other people? 5. How does Jimmy try to convince people to help him? b) What do you think is remarkable about what Jimmy does? Talk about it in class. Reading: Jimmy’s story – Part 2 Read the text now and highlight passages that explain what type of person Jimmy is. 3 3–4 1.5–1.6 4 And Jimmy? Well, I can tell you a bit more about Jimmy. Jimmy saves lives. Jimmy studies and passes exams, and passes more exams, and Jimmy becomes a doctor. And not for Jimmy the nice easy life of a town doctor in the American Midwest, oh no. Jimmy goes to the Congo. Jimmy goes to a village in the middle of Africa, a village of great poverty, a village with lots of disease and no doctors at all. ˆere Jimmy starts a hospital, and there Jimmy saves lives. Lots and lots of lives. People hear about this, and they come from miles around, on animals, on foot, any way they can get there. ˆey camp outside and wait until Jimmy can help them. As many as his few medicines allow. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 And the people love Jimmy because he has a special giŸ. He can cure with drugs and he can cure with his hands. He’s thin and he has white skin and he wears little round John Lennon glasses like his father before him. Well, all those Africans think he’s the strangest guy they’ve ever seen, but they respect him. ˆey respect him and they love him. For he can cure anything, almost. He comes to your bed when no one else wants to come to your bed, holds your hand when no one else wants to hold your hand, and he talks to you gently, sometimes in your language and sometimes in his. And you don’t understand what he’s saying and you don’t know how holding your hand is going to make you feel better, but it does. 27 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv