Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

0 The most … of Facebook is that it helps people to stay in touch. important feature ✔ 1 On a “wall” people can … their photographs. 2 If you … invite friends, you simply look for them on Facebook or add them from your mailing lists. 3 Anyone who is older than thirteen … their own account on Facebook. 4 Since 2009 Facebook has been by far the … social networking site. Talking about the text: The story of Facebook Read the article about social networking sites again and add alternative headlines to each paragraph. The highlighted words below may help you. You don’t have to use all the words. 3 general history past beginnings start introduction overview summary Writing: Presenting yourself 4 “Andi” Girl, 17 years old Birmingham, UK Andi’s interests: Pop music, love story novels, movies, my friends [more] Andi’s friends: Shirin Lisa Tess [more] Andi’s quick info: Hi, my name is Andi and I’m 17 years old. I’m here to find new friends. How about sending me a message? Andi Help!!!! I hate boys! I hate boys! I hate boys!!! 22 October at 21:10 Comment · Like Daisy has he not turned up again??? 22 October at 21:12 Delete Andi not here, write pm 22 October at 21:14 Delete Andi Just got back my maths test – really pleased. 22 October at 16:10 Comment · Like Robbie congrats :-). 22 October at 16:12 Delete Andi cu tonite?? 22 October at 16:15 Delete Andi and Robbie are now friends. Comment · Like a) Study Andi’s website and design a similar page for yourself. You don’t have to do this on your computer, you can design your page on a sheet of paper, too. b) Before you start, make a list of features/elements that are important for your personal wall, e. g. a photo album, a calendar, your favourite music, your playlists. c) Present your site to the class and explain your design. Give reasons why you think certain elements on your page are important and why you have left out others. 25 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv