Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

Solutions to the check-out-pages Unit 1, pages 16–17 Exercise 2 1: E, 2: A, 3: B, 4: C Exercise 4 1: C, 2: D, 3: A, 4: D, 5: B, 6: B, 7: D, 8: A Unit 2, pages 30–31 Exercise 1 1: is about/deals with, 2: writes in his diary, 3: he behaves, 4: people could read it/it was published, 5: a real diary, 6: will enjoy/like/love Exercise 4 1: F, 2: C, 3: E, 4: J, 5: B, 6: G, 7: H Unit 3, pages 44–45 Exercise 3a 1: went, 2: enjoyed, 3: haven’t been, 4: were listening, 5: came, 6: took, 7: had arrived, 8: don’t look, 9: has had, 10: played Exercise 3b 1: told, 2: ate, 3: seen, 4: tried, 5: waiting/queuing, 6: didn’t, 7: told, 8: While, 9: gave, 10: home Unit 4, pages 56–57 Exercise 2 1: A, 2: C, 3: D, 4: A Exercise 3 1: time, 2: total, 3: ü , 4: book, 5: other, 6: after, 7: ü , 8: check, 9: social, 10: because, 11: ü Unit 5, pages 70–71 Exercise 1 1: G, 2: A, 3: H, 4: B, 5: E, 6: F Exercise 3 1: A, 2: B, 3: D, 4: D Unit 6, pages 82–83 Exercise 1 1: C, 2: B, 3: B, 4: A, 5: C Exercise 4 1: successful, 2: aggressive, 3: melodious, 4: disrespectful, 5: creative, 6: skilful, 7: peaceful, 8: emotional, 9: typical Unit 7, pages 96–97 Exercise 3 (Musterlösung) 1. e ¡rst person I met was Mandy. She said she was 16, and that she listened to our programme every day. She added that she was interested in anything that had got to do with fashion. She mentioned that she had once won a prize in a school competition where they had had to design their own T-shirts. She said she would like to visit fashion shows and tell the listeners more about the hottest trends. 2. e second person was Phil. He said he lived in Rooke Street and had just taken his GCSEs. One of the subjects he had chosen was history. He added that he did love history a lot. He wanted to know if there were any programmes about history in Teen Radio. He apologised and said that he hadn’t listened to our station yet, but that he thought he could make a smashing show about the Victorian times. 3. e third person was Akon. He said that music had been the most important thing in his life so far. He added that he listened to music all day long, but that he was rather picky. He said he hated pop music, for example, and wondered why everyone loved that, as he put it, commercial stu„. He said that if he was in charge of the music at Teen Radio, he would do things di„erently. ere would be no more pop music, but hip hop 24 hours a day. At the very end he added that he had forgotten to tell me his name and said it was Akon. Exercise 4 1: A, 2: B, 3: H, 4: F, 5: C, 6: G, 7: I Unit 8, pages 112–113 Exercise 2 1: more successful, 2: her stories are about, 3: uses simple, 4: sacked from her, 5: was better/was superior to/was different from, 6: were well-written, 7: story was very good Exercise 4 1: injury, 2: breaking, 3: responsibly, 4: theft, 5: products, 6: generally, 7: burglary, 8: building, 9: illegal, 10: development Unit 9, pages 128–129 Exercise 3 1: D, 2: A, 3: B, 4: C Exercise 4 1: which/that, 2: lets, 3: makes, 4: which/that, 5: lets, 6: who, 7: has, 8: who, 9: let, 10: who, 11: made, 12: made, 13: have, 14: let Unit 10, pages 142–143 Exercise 1 1: famous film director, 2: early in the morning, 3: does not work hard, 4: a digital video camera, 5: the best, 6: think about it Exercise 3 1: had, 2: continues, 3: were, 4: talked, 5: had used, 6: had, 7: turned, 8: had Exercise 4 1: the, 2: have, 3: all, 4: ü , 5: were, 6: not, 7: some, 8: and, 9: now 191 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv