Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

V semicircle !*semI+s3"kl? semicircle = half a circle Halbkreis to be in tears to be in tears = to cry weinen frustration My biggest frustration right now is not having enough time for homework and friends. Frust, Enttäuschung, Frustration to bottle up Don’t keep everything bottled up inside you; let it out. etw. unterdrücken to step out of line His parents are super strict, there’s no stepping out of line in their home! aus der Reihe tanzen to storm away Every time he gets mad he won’t talk about it; he just storms away. davonstürmen to part The crowd parted to let her through. sich/etw. teilen 3 salesperson The salesperson was very helpful. Verkäufer/in 4 to move on After the accident the police asked them to move on. (hier:) weitergehen 5 to run into I ran into my old roommate at the mall yesterday. jmdn. zufällig treffen Walkabout 1 extract !*ekstrxkt? An extract from a book or script is just a small part of the whole story. Auszug, Exzerpt survivor !sE*vaIvE? survivor  to survive Überlebende/r outback The outback is the wild, empty country far away from Australia’s towns and cities. Outback (australisches Hinterland) to be terrified to be terrified = to be really afraid. (große) Angst haben impulse !*Imp0ls? He felt a strange impulse to cry. Impuls to die away Her feelings for him died away after just a year. schwinden, nachlassen inquisitive !In*kwIzEtIv? inquisitive = curious neugierig, wissbegierig threatening That dog looks very threatening. I’m really afraid of it. bedrohlich motionless When you don’t move at all, you’re motionless. reg(ungs)los, bewegungslos pre-digested !+prI-daI*dZestId? digest  digestion vorverdaut to be devoted to He doesn’t just like sport; he is totally devoted to it. jmdm./etw. (treu) ergeben sein, in etw. (völlig) aufgehen to be dedicated to sth. She is completely dedicated to her work. sich einer Sache verschrieben haben face to face with Some people say the best way to deal with one’s fears is to come face to face with them. Auge in Auge; von Angesicht zu Angesicht to slink (slunk, slunk) away We could not hear the lion slink away from the gazelle. davonschleichen nakedness !*neIkIdnEs? Different cultures have different attitudes towards nakedness. Nacktheit rock wallaby !rOk *wOlEbI? Rock wallabies are night animals. Wallaby (austral. Beuteltier) to intrigue sb. !In*tri"G sb.? When something intrigues you, it is very interesting to you. jmdn. faszinieren tribe The native tribes were very shy. Stamm to intensify When you intensify what you’re doing you put more effort into it. verstärken, intensivieren to fidget !*fIdZIt? People who are nervous often fidget. (herum)zappeln train of events She could not follow the train of events. Reihe von Ereignissen to waggle Stop waggling your head! It’s making me nervous. wackeln, fuchteln to hold one’s breath !hEUld w0nz breT? What’s the world record for holding one’s breath under water? den Atem/die Luft anhalten to sneeze Cat hairs make me sneeze – I’m allergic to them. niesen to the point of He continued to the point of no return. bis zu dem Punkt to break the spell/the silence The audience was totally quiet. Then someone broke the spell/the silence by starting to applaud. den Bann/die Stille brechen to whirl around !hw3"l E*raUnd? When someone called out her name behind her she whirled around to see who it was. sich abrupt umdrehen gust of laughter !G0st Ev *la"ftE? The only thing we could hear were gusts of laughter. Lachanfall melodious Her melodious voice calmed him down. wohlklingend, melodiös in amazement She looked at him in amazement. erstaunt, verwundert out of control The situation quickly got out of control. außer Kontrolle infectious !In*fekSEs? Their laughter was so infectious that we just had to laugh, too. ansteckend instant My instant reaction to his question was to say no. sofortig appreciation !E+pri"SI*eISn? In every relationship it is important to show one’s appreciation for each other. Verständnis, Wertschätzung, Anerkennung ludicrous !*lu"dIkrEs? The situation was so ludicrous that we just didn’t know whether we should laugh or cry. lächerlich, absurd, grotesk 186 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv