Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

arsonist !*A"snIst? The village was often attacked by arsonists who frequently set fire to the farm buildings. Brandstifter/in blackmail His plan was sheer blackmail: He wanted money for letting my friend go. Erpressung bribery !*braIbErI? Bribery means that you give somebody money for illegal favours. Bestechung burglary !*b3"GlErI? If you want to report a burglary, make sure you have a list of the things that were stolen from your house. Einbruch conspirator Catholic conspirators wanted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605. Verschwörer/in fraud !frC"d? The banker who had tricked people to give him their money was accused of serious fraud. Betrug to defraud !dI*frC"d? Butchers who sell horsemeat for beef defraud their customers because horsemeat is much cheaper. betrügen mugging In this area muggings are very common – mostly cases where people are robbed at knifepoint. (Straßen-)Raub offender Young offenders should not be put in prisons together with adult criminals. (Straf-)Täter/in rape The number of rapes reported to police has doubled over the past decade because young women are now more prepared to talk about their suffering. Vergewaltigung (high) treason !(haI) *tri"zn? In many countries (high) treason was the most serious crime. (Hoch-)Verrat sexual abuse Victims of sexual abuse often find it difficult to talk about their situation. sexueller Missbrauch shoplifting Shoplifting is often regarded as a minor offence but it is often the first step towards more serious crimes. Ladendiebstahl smuggling As the taxes were so high, many families had to take up smuggling to get by. Schmuggel Check-out 1 agreement After five minutes they came to an agreement. Übereinstimmung disagreement There was disagreement among the visitors whether they should return to the gate. Uneinigkeit Australia 1 a term referring to Female is a term referring to a girl/woman. ein Ausdruck, der sich auf … bezieht experts say/have proved that Experts say/have proved that turtles can get very old. Experten sagen/haben bewiesen, dass Tasmanian devil Tasmanian devils are small bear-like animals. Beutelteufel to have in common My boyfriend and I have a lot of things in common. gemeinsam haben urban dweller !*3"bEn dwelE? More than 85% of Australians are urban dwellers. Stadtbewohner/in 2 sq. (square) The area of Canada is 9.9 million sq. km. Quadrat- (Flächeneinheit) ethnic group Seven per cent of Australia’s ethnic groups are Asian. ethnische Gruppe Aboriginal !+xbE*rIdZnl? Aboriginal  Aboriginal Australians Ureinwohner/in Australiens Listening skills: Taking notes to take down Don’t forget to take down the main ideas. (hier:) aufschreiben shorthand b/c (= because) is an example for shorthand. Kurzschrift, Stenografie to lose track !lu"z trxk? Don’t worry if you lose track – just restart with the next passage you understand. den Faden verlieren 1 (park) ranger Rangers look after national parks. Aufseher/in, Ranger/in heritage !*herItIdZ? The Great Barrier Reef is a World Heritage Site. Erbe Angela 1 politically active Politically active people are interested in politics and want to change things. politisch engagiert to treat badly/well/with respect Everybody wants to be treated with respect. schlecht/gut/mit Respekt behandeln rally !*rxlI? Only about 30 people came to the rally. (Massen-)Versammlung information booth !+InfE*meISn bu"D? There is an information booth right next to the entrance of the mall. Informationsstand on time Please be there on time – they won’t let us in after the concert’s begun. pünktlich overalls (pl.) Where are my overalls? Overall Unit 9 185 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv