Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

dog treat I try to teach my dog some new tricks by giving him a dog treat whenever he does something well. Hundekuchen computer application Applicants must be able to use computer applications. Computeranwendung Applying for a job 1 letter of application Don’t make spelling mistakes in a letter of application. Bewerbungsschreiben formal letter This is a formal letter, not a private one. formeller Brief addressee !+xdres*i"? The addressee is the person who receives the letter. Adressat/in salutation End your letter with an appropriate salutation. Grußformel enclosure If you include further documents in your letter, these are called enclosures. (hier:) Anlage meteorology !+mi"tIE*rOlEdZI? Meteorology studies our climate and weather. Meteorologie GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) A six-year-old boy from London has become the youngest person ever to pass a GCSE. allgemeiner Abschluss der weiterführenden Schulen in GB 2 occupation Women often choose part-time occupations after they’ve had a baby. Beschäftigung nature trail Maybe we’ll see some exotic birds on this nature trail. Naturlehrpfad 3 job vacancy !dZOb *veIkEnsI? Excuse me, are there any job vacancies in your company? freie Stelle nursery I’m looking for a nursery that offers all-day care. Kinderkrippe/-garten trainee !+treI*ni"? My son will start as a trainee in our local hardware store next week. Lehrling, Auszubildende/r to supervise It’s my job to supervise the production of frozen fish fingers. betreuen, beaufsichtigen staff member Have you met our newest staff member, Ms Connely? Mitarbeiter/in sign design Choose your individual sign design. Schilderdesign installation I need help with the installation of our new satellite dish. Installation, Montage to undertake Sir Walter Raleigh undertook many dangerous sea voyages. unternehmen shop front We’d like to redecorate our shop front. Geschäftsfront factory signage !*fxktErI saInIdZ? Fabriksbeschilderung site The jar was discovered at an ancient burial site. Stelle, Örtlichkeit Working environments 1 veterinary surgeon (vet) I had to take my dog to the vet recently. He just refused to eat anything. Tierarzt/-ärztin to be on call Sorry, I can’t go out with you. I’m on call tonight. Bereitschaft haben communicator Great teachers are good communicators. kommunikativer Mensch entry requirements If you want to study arts, you have to meet certain entry requirements. Zugangsbedingungen to forecast Meteorologists forecast the weather. vorhersagen briefing I don’t know anything about this project. Why don’t you give me a briefing? Lagebesprechung, Einweisung accuracy !*xkjUrEsI? For a surgeon, accuracy is of the utmost importance. Genauigkeit problem-solving skills We’re going to test your problem-solving skills now. Fähigkeit, Probleme zu lösen Speaking skills: Making a good impression at a job interview to make a good impression I hope I made a good impression on the boss. einen guten Eindruck machen 2 casual Is it OK if I dress casually for the job interview? bequem 3 personnel manager A good personnel manager helps his/her firm to find the right people for the right jobs. Personalmanager/in to keep interrupting Sean always keeps interrupting in class. I’ll call his parents now. fortwährend unterbrechen Check-out 2 custom He is obviously unfamiliar with the local customs. Gepflogenheit, Brauch usage The earliest usage of this word was recorded in 1936. Gebrauch prevalent !*prevElEnt? Large health warnings in shops are now prevalent around the world. vorherrschend 3 smashing This was a truly smashing performance. sagenhaft picky My little brother is very picky. He doesn’t eat vegetables. wählerisch commercial stuff (coll.) I don’t like listening to that commercial stuff on the radio. I’d rather play my own CDs. kommerzielles Zeug 181 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des V rlags öbv