Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

to hold sb. down to hold sb. down = to stop sb. from achieving sth. jmdn. unterdrücken to offend Topics like religion or politics aren’t good for starting small talk; people can be easily offended. beleidigen, verletzen double standard !*d0bl *stxndEd? When you buy something expensive it’s OK, but when I do it it’s not. What a double standard! Doppelmoral glory It was a moment of glory to win the gold medal. Ruhm, Ehre whore (vulgar) !hC"? You should not use words like whore because people may think it is offensive. Nutte, Flittchen (derb) to get away with sth. I didn’t think the President would get away with it. mit etw. durchkommen to get named (coll.) to get named = to have your name connected with sth. bad (e. g. a bad rumour) beschimpft werden dove !d0v? White doves are a symbol of peace. Taube cannon ball Lord Nelson was fatally hit by a cannon ball. Kanonenkugel to ban Smoking in bars was banned in Italy years ago. verbieten 3 to judge by sth. Judging by his talent his test was not so good. nach etw. (be)urteilen 4 solution to I’m sorry, but I don’t have a solution to your problem. Lösung für 5 equal Everybody should have equal opportunities, nobody should be preferred. gleich belief She did not share his belief that animals should be treated like humans. Glaube, Ansicht hierarchy !*haIErA"kI? Most schools have a strict hierarchy with the headmaster at the top. Hierarchie 6 to ignore I wanted to pay, but the waiter ignored me. nicht beachten, ignorieren 7 monotonous !mE*nOtEnEs? His speech was so monotonous, I nearly fell asleep. monoton sophisticated !sE*fIstIkeItId? His first song sounded very sophisticated. raffiniert, ausgeklügelt to swap !swOp? They swapped clothes outside the bank. tauschen Rap and hip hop hip hop Hip hop is a music genre that was created in the US. Hip-Hop (Musikrichtung mit Wurzeln in der schwarzen Funk- und Soul-Musik) beat Move your feet to the beat of the drum. (rhythmischer) Schlag to originate from My family originated from Ireland. stammen von entire !In*taIE? The entire family was at her birthday party. ganz gang life Teenagers from all social backgrounds have been attracted by gang life. Bandenleben drug abuse Drug abuse is quite common among poor people in the US. Drogenmissbrauch to be involved in His whole family was involved in the preparations of the party. verwickelt sein in urban The largest urban district is in the north of the city centre. städtisch gang warfare In some areas drug trafficking has resulted in open gang warfare. Bandenkrieg street art Graffiti is a form of street art. Straßenkunst 2 to rehearse Actors have to rehearse before a play can be performed in public. proben (Theaterstück, Konzert) inspiration The composer got his inspiration for the song from an old fairy tale. Inspiration, Anregung to depend on The success of the show very much depends on how she sings. abhängen von to mistake sb./sth. for sb./sth. I mistook him for my brother because they nearly look the same in the dark. jmdn./etw. mit jmd./etw. anderem verwechseln homeboy (slang, AE) He hung out with his homeboys after the match. enger Freund, Kumpel similarity They are twins, but surprisingly there is no similarity between them. Ähnlichkeit 3 to replace sth. with sth. If you replace the broken hard drive with a new one, your computer will work again. etw. durch etw. ersetzen chorus Try to remember the chorus. Refrain, Kehrvers Check-out 1 autograph !*C"tEGrA"f? At the stage door the fans waited for the actress to give them an autograph. Autogramm 2 widespread use The widespread use of file-sharing sites is damaging to the music industry. weit verbreitete Verwendung 3 file-sharing File-sharing can be an illegal act. Weitergabe von digitalen Daten 179 Nur zu Prüfzwecken e – Eigentum des Verlags öbv