Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

V 2 to scan The customs officer scanned their luggage for drugs. durchsuchen to put sth. across I don’t understand why the producers tried to put this idea across in such a depressing way. etw. verständlich machen, vermitteln 4 pros and cons Before buying a dog you should think of the pros and cons of having a pet. Für und Wider Docusoaps 1 cop/detective series When I watch a detective series I always know right at the beginning who’s the murderer. Krimiserie courtroom/legal show Courtroom shows are ridiculous. They have the worst actors ever. Gerichtsserie documentary My younger sister likes documentaries about animals. Dokumentarfilm game/music/mystery show I’m sure I’d win the jackpot in the popular Friday evening game show. Spielshow, Musikshow, Mystery Show science fiction/fantasy movie Fantasy movies are boring, except Lord of the Rings . Fantasiefilm sitcom My favourite sitcom is How I Met Your Mother . Situationscomedy soap opera Soap operas always have a “cliff hanger” at the end – you must watch the next episode to find out how the story continues. Seifenoper thriller I hate thrillers – they give me nightmares. Thriller 2 romance I love watching romances – they’re so moving, and they always make me cry. Romanze dramatic open ending I hate dramatic open endings; I always have to know how things turn out. dramatisches, offenes Ende manufacturer !+mxnjE*fxktSErE? A soap manufacturer produces soap. Erzeuger/in to take care of I like taking care of animals. Maybe I should become a vet. sorgen für genre !*ZR"nrE? There are lots of different genres on TV. Genre never-ending Me and my boyfriend – that’s a never-ending story. unendlich, endlos to involve He was involved in some local charities. hineinziehen, verwickeln easy to relate to I could easily relate to what my grandmother told me. leicht hineinzuversetzen to connect to sb./sth. This website connects to communities who are also involved in this campaign. eine Verbindung zu jmdm./ etw. herstellen to lead a … life My parents lead quite a happy life. ein … Leben führen stranded Survivors of a shipping accident are lucky if they end up stranded on an island. gestrandet to be tricked into I was tricked into buying those stolen CDs. ausgetrickst werden observer !Eb*z3"vE? When I see a bully hurting someone, I don’t just want to be a silent observer, but at the same time I’m afraid that I could get hurt. Beobachter/in, Zuschauer/in to make sb. look foolish I don’t like it when people are made look foolish in talk shows. jmdn. dumm aussehen lassen participant The participants all agreed that the seminar had been very helpful. Teilnehmer/in 4 irresponsible It’s very irresponsible to drink and drive. unverantwortlich to put at risk Too much junk food puts your health at risk. einem Risiko aussetzen well-being A healthy diet is important for one’s well-being. Wohlbefinden study Studies show that smoking is very dangerous. (hier:) Studie to leave sth./sb. with sb. You can leave your dog with me, I don’t mind. jmdn./etw. bei … lassen shame on Sorry, I totally forgot your birthday – shame on me! Schande über rating Yesterday’s ratings were a disaster! If we continue to lose viewers, we’ll be taken off air! Einschaltquote one’s own opinion on I’m not quite sure about my own opinion on the subject. I need to think about it some more. seine eigene Meinung zu A movie review 2 cast She’s a cast member of Phantom of the Opera . Rollenbesetzung, Ensemble running time They reduced the film’s running time to 135 minutes. Länge landscape Some artists only paint landscapes, others prefer people. Landschaft polar bear Polar bears have black skin to absorb a lot of sunlight. Eisbär air transport service My cousin’s a pilot for our local air transport service. Flugdienst far from home Being so far from home, I was glad I had my mobile. weit weg von zu Hause heartless It would be heartless to separate the cat from her kittens. herzlos storyline The film had a great storyline, but the acting was bad. Handlung predictable !prI*dIktEbl? His reaction was highly predictable. vorhersagbar screenplay The screenplay was written by Stephen King himself. Drehbuch 176 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv