Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

viewing habits People’s viewing habits have changed over the years. Sehgewohnheiten word web Word webs are very useful for learning new words. Wörternetz Fake world 1 fake It is illegal to sell fake designer T-shirts. falsch, gefälscht extract An extract is a part of a longer text. Ausschnitt, Abschnitt giant !*dZaIEnt? The aliens attacked with a giant spaceship to frighten the people on Earth. riesig director The film director won an Academy Award last year. Regisseur/in reality show I like reality shows much more than fiction movies. Realityshow flashback The main part of the story was just a flashback. Rückblende, Flashback fountain “Is it raining?” – “No, that’s just the fountain outside.” Springbrunnen to stop sb. doing sth. You can’t stop me doing what I want, so don’t even try. jmdn. davon abhalten, etw. zu tun but Everybody but John will go to the concert. (hier:) außer to point to sth. Could you point to that street on the map? I can’t find it. auf etw. zeigen horizon !hE*raIzn? There’s a new star on the horizon. Horizont to disguise !dIs*GaIz? I didn’t recognise Tim. He was disguised as a ladybird. verbergen, verkleiden to slam shut I think he was angry; he slammed the door shut when he left. zuschlagen, zuknallen to stare When he saw her, he just stared at her and could not say a word. starren 3 fiction Fiction is the opposite of reality. erfundene Geschichte, Fiktion to escape from The locals tried to escape from the hurricane. fliehen von to appear At midnight a ghost appeared in the door. erscheinen on screen Don’t believe everything you see on screen. auf dem Bildschirm total record !*tEUtl *rekC"d? His book was a total record of the history of their company. vollständige Aufzeichnung award-winning Teletubbies is an award-winning series for children. (mit Preisen) ausgezeichnet frustrated frustrated = not happy, annoyed frustriert cue cards !kju" kA"dz? News presenters read their texts from cue cards. Moderationskarte viewer viewer  view  to view (Fernseh-)Zuseher/in to be on “Three, two, one – you’re on!” auf Sendung sein to work out sth. to work out = to find out (hier:) etw. verstehen, hinter etw. kommen at times At times I’m not sure if leaving school was the right decision. ab und zu, hin und wieder, zeitweise to record !rI*kC"d? He recorded his voice on his new computer. aufnehmen performer performer  to perform Darsteller/in, Künstler/in no way If he really wants to go, there is no way we can stop him. keine Möglichkeit, kein Weg to feel comfortable !fi"l *k0mpftEbl? I don’t feel comfortable driving this new car yet. sich wohl fühlen to prove sb. wrong !pru"v sb. rON? You think I can’t dance? Well, let’s go out and I’ll prove you wrong. beweisen, dass jmd. unrecht hat to sound familiar Your name sounds familiar. Have we met before? vertraut klingen 6 review Before I go to the movies, I like reading the reviews. (Film-, Buch-)Kritik 7 in search of He is in search of a new job. auf der Suche nach Reading skills: Scanning and skimming research Before you start writing an essay, you should do some research. Suche nach Informationen, Recherche 1 to skim If you don’t have enough time to read the book, just skim through it. That’ll do. überfliegen to get the gist !dZIst? Skimming a text to get the gist is an important reading skill. das Wesentliche erfassen teenage pregnancy rate Great Britain has a very high teenage pregnancy rate. Rate an Teenagerschwanger- schaften for teenagers and viewers alike This programme is really educational, for teenagers and viewers alike. für Teenager genauso wie für die Zuseher/innen teen couple Teen couples are often part of TV soaps. Teenagerpaar belly I’ll take a course in belly dancing. Bauch pre-birth classes Pre-birth classes are an important preparation for young parents. Geburtsvorbereitungskurs to care for My big sister helped to care for me when I was a baby. sorgen für toddler I have to look after my younger brother. He’s a toddler. Kleinkind spectrum of You’ve seen the whole spectrum of what we can do. Spektrum von 175 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv