Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

nightmare Due to heavy storms the flight was a nightmare. Albtraum torch (BE) We need new batteries for the torch. (hier:) Taschenlampe cobweb She gave me earrings that looked like cobwebs. Spinnwebe to be blindfolded A blindfolded child picked the name of the winner. die Augen verbunden haben to bundle sb. into sth. Mum bundled us into the car and drove off. jmdn. in etw. verfrachten to set sb. free They were set free after two long weeks. jmdn. freilassen constantly !*kOnstEntlI? The traffic noise was constantly getting louder. unentwegt, ununterbrochen to do the trick The use of earplugs finally did the trick; we fell asleep instantly. Zweck erfüllen, Erfolg mit etw. haben to be far from easy Succeeding with your own business is far from easy. weit entfernt davon sein, leicht zu sein to place a booking Please click here to place your booking. eine Buchung vornehmen 4 thrill-seeker We offer several exciting tours for thrill-seekers. Person, die das Abenteuer sucht tandem parachute jumping I’d be too afraid to go tandem parachute jumping. Tandem-Fallschirmsprung racing bobsled They had a serious accident in a racing bobsled. Rennschlitten Talking about the past lately You have been really quiet lately. Is everything OK? in letzter Zeit 2 to do research on !dE rI*s3"tS On? I need to do more research on this topic for my paper. Forschung(en) betreiben, recherchieren holiday destination What’s your favourite holiday destination? Urlaubsziel 4 brackets Brackets can look like this ( ) or like this [ ]. Klammern letter to the editor His letter to the editor was not published. Leserbrief to lead to sth. The new road will lead to more traffic in the area. zu etw. führen traffic Traffic’s not too bad in the summer. Verkehr to take action We must take action to stop this project! Maßnahmen ergreifen to join a local action group Why don’t you join a local action group? You won’t achieve a lot on your own. einer örtlichen Bürger- initiative beitreten 5 easy-going My uncle is an easy-going type of person. gelassen, unbeschwert to touch down When the plane touched down, the passengers applauded the captain. aufsetzen, landen unfortunate !0n*fC"tSnEt? They were most unfortunate to have been placed in this ruin of a hotel. bedauernswert, bedauerlich smooth The sand was smooth as silk. glatt, geschmeidig in spite of sth. !In spaIt Ev sth.? In spite of the bad weather, they went on a boat tour. ungeachtet, trotz Eating out 3 to capture the atmosphere You cannot capture the atmosphere of this romantic spot with a camera. die Atmosphäre einfangen entire !In*taIE? The entire building was decorated like a medieval palace. vollständig, völlig scrap of light Not a single scrap of light came through the windows. schwacher Lichtstrahl to spill food All babies spill food. Essen verschütten, patzen to stab sb. The victim was stabbed in his back. auf jmdn. einstechen fork Why don’t you use your fork instead of your fingers? Gabel to claim sth. She claims the food was already cold when she got it. etw. behaupten vegan !vi"GEn? I’ve been vegan for most of my life, so I don’t eat meat and other animal products like eggs, milk or cheese. streng vegetarisch reasonably priced The local pub is no longer reasonably priced; let’s have dinner somewhere else. preiswert, günstig novelty !*nOvltI? When it came out, this machine was a real novelty. Neuheit to prove a big hit The new phone proved a big hit with pensioners. sich als großer Erfolg herausstellen computer geek !kEm*pju"tE Gi"k? My brother’s a computer geek; he rarely leaves his room. Computerfreak ceiling !*si"lIN? They have stacked books everywhere – from floor to ceiling. Zimmerdecke banquet !*bxNkwIt? We are invited to a festive banquet after the ceremony. Festessen, Bankett 5 smoked My dad does his own smoked ham. geräuchert mackerel !*mxkrEl? I don’t like any fish except mackerel. Makrele pâté !*pA"teI? Have you ever tried liver pâté? Pastete garnish For some people, the garnish is more important than the food itself. Garnierung goat’s cheese I am allergic to cow milk but I’d like some goat’s cheese, please. Ziegenkäse 171 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv