Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

V 4 to highlight Please highlight all the adjectives in the text. markieren poverty poverty  poor Armut on foot It was a long distance, but they came on foot. zu Fuß from time to time From time to time I allow myself a piece of cake. von Zeit zu Zeit, ab und zu in the hands of I know that I can leave my dog in the hands of my brother – I totally trust him. in den Händen von businessman/-woman As a businessman/-woman you have to have good communication skills. Geschäftsmann/-frau politician !+pOlI*tISn? Politicians are people who work in politics. Politiker/in bald !bC"ld? bald = having no hair on one’s head glatzköpfig, kahl it’s up to you I’ll study with you, but it’s up to you to pass the test. es liegt an dir/Ihnen wallet !*wOlIt? I can’t buy anything. I forgot my wallet. Geldbörse, Brieftasche to spend (money) on Don’t spend all your pocket money on DVDs. (Geld) ausgeben 6 conjunction Many linking words are conjunctions like because . Konjunktion to turn out It turned out that they had gone to the same school. sich herausstellen Check-out 1 journal She has been keeping a journal for five years now. Tagebuch to be concerned with sb./sth. My sister is concerned with the organisation of the award ceremony. mit jmdm./etw. beschäftigt sein to behave properly Did they behave properly while I was away? sich anständig benehmen to have no clue about sth. I had no clue about any of this! keine Ahnung von etw. haben to laugh one’s head off (coll.) We were all laughing our heads off because the play was so funny. sich totlachen role model Do you think you can serve as a role model for today’s young women? Vorbild 2 in simple terms Your text is too difficult. Try to say it in simple terms. in einfachen Worten 3 superficial !+su"pE*fISl? I don’t like superficial people who are only interested in themselves. oberflächlich to stay in touch E-mail makes it so much easier to stay in touch. in Kontakt bleiben to boast She’s boasting that she won the contest, but I don’t really believe her. angeben abstract !*xbstrxkt? Could you rewrite that? It’s a little too abstract for me. abstrakt Up and away 2 to illustrate sth. Can you illustrate this with an example? etw. veranschaulichen brief Make it brief, time is short. kurz caravan We went through Italy with a caravan this summer. Wohnwagen youth hostel Youth hostels usually offer the cheapest room rates. Jugendherberge bed and breakfast My aunt has a bed and breakfast in Cornwall. Frühstückspension motel There is a new motel on the M4. We could spend the night there. Motel The trip of a lifetime 1 accommodation !E+kOmE*deISn? Have you found suitable accommodation for our honeymoon? Unterkunft campsite When I was a child, I often went to a campsite in the Netherlands with my parents. Campingplatz sight What are the most important sights around here? Sehenswürdigkeit place of interest This castle has been a place of interest for over 600 years. sehenswerter Ort self-catering We prefer to stay in self-catering apartments. Selbstverpflegung local food To get a taste of genuine local food, you should try the taverna over there. einheimisches Essen 2 certainly !*s3"tnlI? There will certainly be a show tonight. sicherlich dairy farm !*deErI fA"m? My cousin has a dairy farm in Shropshire. Milchbauernhof briefly !bri"flI? Please explain the problem to us briefly. kurz to introduce oneself Let me introduce myself before I show you around. sich vorstellen to get into the right mood Candles might get us into the right mood. in die richtige Stimmung kommen to get on with sth. When have you planned to get on with the ironing? mit etw. weitermachen eventually !I*ventSUEl? Eventually, she gave up and left the casino. schließlich, endlich as night fell As night fell, it got really chilly in the desert. als die Nacht hereinbrach Unit 3 170 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv