Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

architect !*A"kItekt? Hans Hollein is a famous Austrian architect. Architekt/in methodical !mE*TOdIkl? My sister and I are totally different – I’m methodical, she’s chaotic. methodisch to achieve sth. in life !E*tSi"v sth. In laIf? Dad always says it’s important to try to achieve something in life. etw. im Leben erreichen opportunity I would have liked to become an actor but I never had the opportunity. Gelegenheit, Chance ambitious !xm*bISEs? I’m sure Rita will pass the test. She’s quite ambitious. ehrgeizig competitive Yoga is not the right sport to be competitive. wetteifernd, konkurrierend 3 personal qualities Your success will depend on your personal qualities. persönliche Eigenschaften challenge This might be hard, but I like a challenge. Herausforderung reliable !rI*laIEbl? I’m looking for a reliable household help. verlässlich, zuverlässig deadline !*dedlaIn? Journalists have to be able to meet deadlines. Abgabetermin to take turns It’s a long drive, but don’t worry, we’ll take turns. einander abwechseln 4 item What is the most expensive item in your collection? Artikel, Ding to brighten up Thanks for your call – it brightened up my day! heller machen, aufheitern Talking about the future 1 prediction !prI*dIkSn? If you say that something will happen in the future, you are making a prediction. Vorhersage, Voraussage 3 at work I have to be at work at nine, but sometimes I’m late. in/bei der Arbeit 4 in order to In order to get there on time we have to leave now! um … zu 5 abroad !E*brC"d? Spending time abroad will improve your English a lot. im Ausland Facebook – an introduction 1 social networking site Social networking sites are very popular these days. Soziales Netzwerk 2 utility !ju"*tIlEtI? Open source utilities can help you to work with computers. (hier:) Dienstprogramm search bar Just enter your question in the search bar, and if you’re lucky, you’ll get an answer. Suchleiste established by Facebook was established by Mark Zuckerberg. gegründet von roommate I’m glad that I get along with my roommates so well. Mitbewohner/in to grow (grew, grown) in stature !*stxtSE? Over the last few years Google has constantly grown in stature. zunehmende Bedeutung erlangen to have access to I forgot my password, so now I don’t have access to my Facebook account. Zugang haben zu to overcome If you are afraid of heights, it’s quite difficult to overcome that fear. überwinden afresh !E*freS? It looks like you’re stuck writing that essay – maybe you should start afresh. von Neuem margin !*mA"dZIn? He was ranked the most successful player, with a clear margin over his competitors. (hier:) Differenz, Vorsprung 3 overview This article gives you a really good overview. Überblick 4 to turn up If he doesn’t turn up in the next ten minutes I’ll leave. auftauchen to delete !dI*li"t? I’m afraid I have deleted that file – I can’t find it! löschen congrats (coll.) congrats = congratulations Gratulation tonite (coll.) tonite = tonight heute Abend calendar It’s the middle of January – I really should buy a new calendar! (Wand-)Kalender Now that’s what I call living! 1 weird !wIEd? That was a weird movie we saw … I didn’t really understand it. eigenartig 2 childhood I was a happy child – I had a very happy childhood. Kindheit hippie Scores of hippies flocked to San Francisco. Hippie to go straight on Just go straight on – you can’t miss the Post Office. geradeaus fahren/gehen harbour !*hA"bE? I like watching the ships in the harbour. Hafen to rehearse !rI*h3"s? We’ve been rehearsing that song for an hour now – I think that’s enough. proben trailer (AE) In the US lots of people live in big trailers. Wohnwagen taxi-driving taxi-driving  taxi driver Taxi fahrend part-time I only work part-time. Teilzeit-, Halbtags- cab (AE) All the cabs in New York are yellow. Taxi expectation I don’t really care about other people’s expectations. Erwartung wrestler !*reslE? He used to work as a professional wrestler. Ringer/in lion tamer Lion tamers know how to deal with wild animals. Löwenbändiger/in 169 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv