Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

learning diary For some people, a learning diary can be a good way to monitor their learning progress. Lerntagebuch priority !praI*OrEtI? My priority, right now, is my baby. (hier:) vorrangige Sache to go through sth. She went through her notes just before the speech. (hier:) etw. durchsehen to browse through sth. Feel free to browse through our special offers. etw. durchblättern, -stöbern to prepare sth. He was busy preparing lunch. etw. vorbereiten backpacking They’ve never tried backpacking in their lives. Trampen effective This shampoo is twice as effective for dry hair. wirkungsvoll, effektiv scientist !*saIEntIst? Not all scientists work in labs and wear white coats. Wissenschafter/in dubbed In Sweden you usually won’t find any dubbed films. synchronisiert to pick up sth. He had picked up a little Russian from his father. (hier:) etw. erwerben, aufgreifen recently They have moved here recently. vor Kurzem appropriate !E*prEUprIEt? Sorry, it’s really not appropriate to wear shorts in here. passend, angemessen publisher He was happy to find a publisher for his novel. Verleger/in to come across sth. He came across an old diary in her desk. auf etw. stoßen pronunciation !prE+n0nsI*eISn? She should really work on her pronunciation. Aussprache app Are there any new apps for learning Spanish? (hier:) Software für ein Smartphone smartphone Please put your smartphone into your locker now. Mobiltelefon mit Computerfunktionen regular event Christmas is a regular event. regelmäßig stattfindendes Ereignis daily routine Tell us more about your daily routine, Gemma! Tagesablauf natural law Gravity is a natural law. Naturgesetz quality What are her good qualities? (hier:) Eigenschaft English as a world language 1 to justify sth. !*dZ0stIfaI sth.? He couldn’t justify his actions. etw. begründen, rechtfertigen to quote sth. Please use inverted commas if you quote someone in your article. etw. zitieren to rise Land prices had risen enormously. (hier:) ansteigen foreign language !*fOrIn *lxNGwIdZ? How many foreign languages do you speak? Fremdsprache to spread !spred? The disease spread over the continent quickly. sich ausbreiten driving force Who is the driving force behind the campaign? treibende Kraft to move around The big cats generally move around at night. umherziehen refugee !+refjU*dZi"? The Red Cross took care of the refugees. Flüchtling asylum seeker !E*saIlEm *si"kE? Asylum seekers need a number of documents. Asylwerber/in peacekeeping troops He was asked to join the peacekeeping troops in Cyprus. Friedenstruppen aid worker They spent a social year as aid workers in Angola. Katastrophenhelfer/in lingua franca A lingua franca helps speakers of different languages to communicate. Weltsprache status This is clearly an improvement of the status of women. Stellenwert leading role His company plays a leading role in fighting diseases. führende Rolle science He teaches science in high school. Wissenschaft field of business What’s your field of business? Geschäftsfeld IT (information technology) They plan to hire up to 500 people at the new IT centre. Informationstechnologie marketing She has stopped working in marketing. Vermarktung, Vertriebswesen to dominate sth. The race was dominated by the 1992 champion. etw. dominieren term What’s the correct term for this procedure? Ausdruck influence !*InflUEns? He has considerable influence over his classmates. Einfluss to be responsible for sth. Who is responsible for this mess? für etw. verantwortlich sein to take over Macrosoft has taken over the software market. die Macht ergreifen to catch up You should try to catch up before it’s too late. den Anschluss finden approximately !E*prOksImEtlI? They are a group of approximately 30 people. ungefähr recent Have you seen his recent success at the marathon? unlängst moreover Moreover, they hadn’t been there when it happened. außerdem, ferner considerable My father donated a considerable sum of money. beträchtlich 2 pie/bar chart The data was presented as a pie chart. Torten-/Balkendiagramm percentage !pE*sentIdZ? A large percentage of the people who use English every day are non-native speakers. (Prozent-)Anteil 167 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv