Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

V Vocabulary Words in blue: These words/phrases are the most important ones, the core vocabulary. You should learn them first. Words in black: These words/phrases are additional vocabulary, which will further help you to improve your language skills. Speaking English 1 native speaker !*neItIv *spi"kE? I’m a native speaker of German. Muttersprachler/in billion It seems like a billion years ago. Milliarde most widely used Hindi is the most widely used language in India. am meisten verwendet closely followed by New York was ranked second in the list, closely followed by Barcelona in third place. dicht gefolgt von population !+pOpjU*leISn? Scotland has a population of about 5.2 million. Bevölkerung Asian !*eIZn? Asians = people from Asia Asiate/Asiatin; asiatisch Languages in use 2 grid Make a grid and write down all the names. Tabelle, Gitter intermediate !+IntE*mi"dIEt? An intermediate course is neither easy nor difficult. mittel advanced !Ed*vA"nst? The advanced course will be too hard for me, I think. fortgeschritten fluent !*flu"Ent? If you are fluent in French, you can speak it perfectly. fließend mother tongue !*m0DE t0N? Children learn their mother tongue from their parents. Muttersprache spontaneous !spOn*teInIEs? My spontaneous reaction was to get up and leave. spontan familiar topic The life of dolphins is a familiar topic to me. vertrautes, bekanntes Thema to make oneself understood She tried to make herself understood but couldn’t. sich verständlich machen to cope with a situation How did you cope with the situation? mit einer Situation umgehen 3 recording This is the first recording by the Beatles. Aufnahme to rule out Unfortunately we cannot rule out a crime. ausschließen to complain !kEm*pleIn? He complained about the noise. sich beschweren to run a call centre Malta is a fantastic place to run a call centre. eine Telefonzentrale betreiben Learning English 1 emergency !I*m3"dZEnsI? In case of an emergency dial 999. Notfall to go back to sth. Tom wanted to go back to school and become a teacher. zu etw. zurückkehren to get in touch E-mail makes it so much easier to get in touch. in Kontakt treten 2 to attract sb. Summer sale always attracts many customers. jmdn. anziehen catchy Brad needs a catchy slogan for his campaign. einprägsam to provide sth. The centre will provide citizens with free healthcare. etw. zur Verfügung stellen contact details If you leave me your contact details, I’ll send you an invitation. Kontaktdaten experience She was a candidate with the necessary experience. Erfahrung elementary The elementary course is ideal for all workers. einführend, grundlegend course duration The course duration will be four to five weeks. Kursdauer placement test All students will have to take a placement test. Einstufungstest authentic !C"*TentIk? The restaurant serves authentic Italian meals. echt, authentisch office hours Office hours are from 8:00 to 12:00 during the holidays. Bürozeiten public transport I prefer to use public transport because it’s cheaper. öffentliche Verkehrsmittel 3 subheading Subheadings help to structure a text. Unterüberschrift to review sth. You should review the vocabulary more often. (hier:) etw. wiederholen level What is your level of French? Niveau subtitle Foreign films often have English subtitles. Untertitel to improve sth. The new car has much improved brakes. etw. verbessern to set a goal for oneself Our teacher told us to set a goal for ourselves. sich selbst ein Ziel setzen progress !*prEUGres? The baby’s made a lot of progress since I last saw her. Fortschritt to keep a record of sth. She keeps a record of the money she spends every week. Aufzeichnungen von etw. anfertigen Unit 1 166 Vocabulary Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv