Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

The passiv voice The house was broken into. • Passive forms are oŒen used to focus on the action rather than the people involved in it. My purse was stolen (and I don’t know who did it). The window was broken (but I don’t want to say who did it). Water was added to start the process. • Passive forms are used in order not to mention the agent (= the person who performs the action). e reason can be that:   the speaker does not know the agent .   the speaker does not want to mention the agent .   the agent is simply not important (especially when describing scienti¡c processes as it is not important who the agent is). The French army was defeated in the Battle of Waterloo. • Passive forms are generally found in more formal kinds of texts such as newspaper articles, reports and historical or scienti¡c texts. On Sundays cooking is done by my sister (which is remarkable). • Passive forms are used to place important information about the agent at the end of a clause in order to emphasise it. In this case you use by . Adverbial clauses  Page 108 Adverbial clauses, like adverbial phrases, refer to time, place, a reason or a condition. ey help you to improve your style and to make a text easier to read. Adverbial clauses are introduced by conjunctions like when, because, if, as, etc. Instead of an adverbial phrase you can oŒen use an adverbial clause. Adverbial phrase Adverbial clause It’s easier to wash your car in the rain. It’s easier to wash your car when it rains. a) Adverbial clause of time Adverbial clause of time When he read the leaflet, Pete had lots of new ideas. While she was looking for a seat on the bus, Naomi suddenly saw Marco outside. • Adverbial clauses of time are oŒen introduced by when, while, aŒer and before . b) Adverbial clause of place Adverbial clause of place I can’t remember where I last saw him. She did not tell me where she came from. c) Adverbial clause of reason Adverbial clause of reason Their son didn’t go to university right after A-levels because he wanted to see the world first. • Adverbial clauses of reason are oŒen introduced by because, as/since and although . G9 163 N r zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv