Prime Time 5, Transition, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

1 Now you can • Talk about the languages you speak and learn. • Talk about reasons for learning languages. • Comment on a recording. • Talk about English as a global language. • Use the present tenses. Speaking: My language learning experiences Prepare a talk on the languages you know and your experiences with learning them. In your talk, answer the following questions: • Which languages do you speak and how well can you speak them? • Where and when do you use your languages to communicate with other people, especially outside of school? • What learning methods can you recommend to other language learners? 1 Can give a short, rehearsed presentation on a topic pertinent to his/her everyday life […]. (A2) Reading: The language school Read the text about a language school. Some parts are missing. Choose the correct part (A–E) for each gap (1–4). Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. We welcome students from all over the world … 0 . We o er courses for learners of all levels. And in addition there are courses for business English and for English for further studies. We think that you can learn a language best … 1 . at is why each student is placed in a real English family home where the English language is spoken all the time. In this home you will be welcomed like family … 2 , with everyday warmth, friendship and a true sense of belonging. Our college cafeteria is an international meeting place where you can meet students … 3 in the world. We o er a wide choice of hot meals each day, with vegetables and salads, and we’ll happily cater for special dietary needs. e campus is … 4 with its theatres, restaurants, shops and sports and entertainment facilities. A and will feel like family 0 D ✔ B from many countries 1 C close to the historical city centre 2 D on a wide range of courses 3 E if you communicate with native speakers 4 2 Can find and understand relevant information in everyday material […]. (B1) 16 Speaking English Check-out Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv